First posted y10408
Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
As for events of the 23-year Soviet period, we commemorate birth and/or deaths of Communist revolutionaries, military heroes, and current Politburo members (but not those unmasked as traitors). We also commemorate national republics, autonomous districts, etc., as well as at least one new factory, railroad, or canal in each part of the Union. We commemorate opening dates of Party Congresses and speeches by the Great Leader and Teacher, though usually without explaining their significance. Apart from birth dates, no personal information about political activists is given, not even of the Great Leader and Teacher. (The almanac does, however, included authorized biographies of Politburo members on separate pages.)
Our Partkom are rather disgusted at the grumblings of local popular-fronters, whom we suspect of preferring to read cheap romances.
po-russki | in English | bilingual |
janvar' | January | |
fevral' | February | |
mart | March | |
aprel' | April | |
maj | May | |
iyun' | June | |
iyul' | July | |
avgust | August | |
sentyabr' | September | |
oktyabr' | October | |
noyabr' | November | |
dekabr' | December | |