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Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
1/9 | 1931: Sdana v e^kspluataciyu zheleznodorozhnaya liniya Borovoe -- Karaganda (Kazaxskaya SSR). | 1931: Start of service of the branch rail line between Borovoe and Karaganda (Kazakh SSR). |
5/9 | 1919: Gibel' V. I. CHapaeva -- narodnogo geroya, talantlivogo voenachal'nika i neustrashimogo krasnogo polkovodca. Rodilsya v 1887 g. | 1919: Death of V.I. Chapaev – Hero of the People, talented military leader and fearless Red commander. Born 1887. |
6/9 | 1936: Postanovlenie CIK SSSR ob ustanovleniya zvaniya narodnogo artista SSSR. | 1936: Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on the establishment of the rank of People’s Artist of the USSR. |
1935: Otkrytie v Xar'kove krupnejshego v Sovetskom Soyuze Dvorca pionerov. | 1935: Opening at Kharkov of the largest Pioneers' Palace in the Soviet Union. | |
7/9 | -: Mezhdunarodnyj yunosheskij den'. | -: International Youth Day. |
9/9 | 1938: V gazete «Pravda» nachalos' pechatanie «Kratkogo kursa istorii VKP(b)», odobrennogo CK VKP(b). | 1938: In the newspaper "Pravda," the beginning of publication of “A Short Course on the History of the ACP(b) [CPSU],” approved by the Central Committee of the ACP(b). |
1828: Rodilsya L. N. Tolstoj -- velikij russkij pisatel'. Umer v 1910 g. | 1828: Birth of L.N. Tolstoy – great Russian writer. Died in 1910. | |
10/9 | 1863: Rodilsya V. A. Obruchev -- vydayushchijsya geolog, akademik-ordenonosec. | 1863: Birth of V.A. Obruchev – prominent geologist, academic award winner. |
11/9 | 1935: Paroxody «Anadyr'» i «Stalingrad» sovershili v odin sezon skvoznoj poxod s vostoka na zapad, ot Vladivostoka do Murmanska, Velikim severnym morskim putem. | 1935: Steamships “Anadyr’” and “Stalingrad” make in a single season a through-cruise from east to west, from Vladivostok to Murmansk, by the great Northern sea route. |
12/9 | 1933: Sdan v e^kspluataciyu Vaxshskij irrigacionnyj kanal im. Stalina (Tadzhikskaya SSR). | 1933: Delivery into operation of the Stalin Vakhsh Irrigation Canal (Tadzhik SSR). |
13/9 | 1866: Otkrytie Moskovskoj konservatorii. | 1866: Opening of the Moscow Conservatory. |
14/9 | 1936: Pravitel'stvennaya komissiya prinyala v promyshlennuyu e^kspluataciyu Svirskuyu gidroe^lectrostanciyu Svir'-3. | 1936: A Government commission accepted for industrial use the Svir Hydroelectric station Svir'-3. |
17/9 | 1939: Rech' po radio predsedatelya Sovnarkom SSSR V. M. Molotova k grazhdanam Sovetskogo Soyuza o sobytiyax, vyzvannyx pol'sko-germanskoj vojnoj, i o perexode Krasnoj Armiej granic dlya zashchity zhizni i imuchshestva naseleniya Zapadnoj Ukrainy i Zapadnoj Belorussii. | 1939: Radio speech by the Chairman of the Soviet of People’s Commissars V.M. Molotov to the Citizens of the Soviet Union about events precipitated by the Polish-German war, and about the crossing of borders by the Red Army to secure the lives and property of the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia. |
1934: Sdan v e^kspluytaciyu Kramatorskij mashinostroitel'nyj zavod imeni Stalina. | 1934: Delivery into production of the Stalin Kramatorsk machine-building factory. | |
19/9 | 1936: Zakonchen perelet Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza V. S. Molokova ot Beringova morya do Arxangel'ska. Vpervye v istorii Velikij severnyj vozdushnyj put' projden s vostoka na zapad. | 1936: End of the flight of Hero of the Soviet Union V.S. Molokov from the Bering Sea to Archangel’sk. For the first time in history the Great Arctic aerial track was traversed from east to west. |
1935: Umer znamenityj deyatel' nauki v oblasti dirizhablestroeniya K. E^. Ciolkovskij. Rodilsya v 1857 g. | 1935: Death of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, famous scientific figure in the area of dirigibles. Born in 1857. | |
20/9 | 1934: Ledorez «Fedor Litke» pervym v istoriii arkticheskix plavanij zavershil v odnu navigaciyu skvoznoj poxod s Dal'nego Vostoka na zapad. | 1934: For the first time in the history of Arctic voyaging, the ice cutter “Fedor Litke” completed in one sailing the through trip from the Far East to the West. |
1918: Zverskij rasstrel 26 bakinskix komissarov anglijskimi interventami i e^serami. | 1918: Brutal shooting of the 26 Baku Commissars by English interventionists and SRs (members of the "Social Revolutionary" Party) (a famous incident, which A. I. Mikoyan was lucky to escape. According to some oral history, if Mikoyan had ever been purged, this incident would have been retold to his disadvantage.) | |
22/9 | 1935: Postanovlenie CIK i SNK SSSR o vvedenii personal'nyx voennyx zvanij nachal'stvuyushchego sostava RKKA. | 1935: Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR creating personnel military ranks in the command elements of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. |
23/9 | 1937: Postanovlenie CIK SSSR o nagrazhdenii Gosudarsvennogo Malogo teatra ordenom Lenina. | 1937: Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR awarding the Order of Lenin to the Small State Theater. |
1935: Pushchen krupnejshij v mire e^lektrostalelitejnyj cex Tagil'skogo vagonostroitel'nogo kombinata (Uralvagonzavod). | 1935: Activation of the world's largest electic steel foundry at the Tagil' carriage-building combine (“UralVagonZavod”). | |
1935: Vstupila v rabotu pervaya mashina SHaturskoj e^lektrostancii (Moskovskaya oblast'). | 1935: Start of work by the first machine of the Shatur electric power station (Moscow oblast'). | |
25/9 | 1938: Letchicy-ordenonoscy V. S. Grizodubova, P. D. Osipenko, M. M. Raskova okonchili besposadochnyj perelet iz Moskvy na Dal'nij Vostok na samolete «Rodina». | 1938: Decorated female pilots V.S. Grizodubova, P.D. Osipenko, and M.M. Raskova finish a non-stop flight from Moscow to the Far East in the plane "Rodina." |
28/9 | 1939: Zaklyuchenie germano-sovetskogo dogovora o druzhbe i granice mezhdu SSSR i Germaniej. | 1939: Conclusion of the German-Soviet Pact on Friendship and Borders between the USSR and Germany. |
30/9 | 1936: Zakonchen avtoprobeg Moskva -- Kara-Kum -- Moskva. Avtokolonna proshla rasstoyanie pochti v 10 tys. km i ustanovila mirovoj rekord v e^toj oblasti. | 1936: The Moscow -- Kara-Kum – Moscow auto race finishes. The contestants covered a route of ten thousand kilometers and established a world record in this area. |
1933: Pervyj sovetskij stratostat «SSSR» podnyalsya na vysotu 29 km. | 1933: First Soviet Stratospheric Rocket “USSR” attained an altitude of 29 kilometers. | |
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