Kalendar' «Strana Socializma» 1941, chisla v oktyabre

Almanac "Land of Socialism" 1941, dates in October

Copyright © 2004 by Hugo S. Cunningham
Translation copyright © 2004 by P. K. Volkov and the Cyber-USSR
Original Soviet text was not copyrighted

First posted 20041009
Latest change 20041009

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

1/10 1931: Pushcheny avtomobil'nyj zavod im. Stalina v Moskve i Xar'kovskij traktornyj zavod im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. 1931: Opening of Stalin Automobile Factory in Moscow and Sergo Ordzhonikidze Tractor Factory in Kharkov.
2/10 1920: Vystuplenie V. I. Lenina na 3 Vserossijskom s"ezde RKSM s rech'yu «Zadachi Soyuzov Molodezhi». 1920: Address by V.I. Lenin at the Third All-Russian Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Youth League: "Tasks of the Youth Unions"
1940: Ukaz Prezidiuma Verxovnogo Soveta SSSR o Gosudarstvennyx Trudovyx Rezervax SSSR. 1940: Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on State Labor Reserves of the USSR.
1940: Postanovlenie Sovnarkoma Soyuza SSR o prizyve gorodskoj i kolxoznoj molodezhi v remeslennye uchilishcha i shkoly fabrichno-zavodskogo obucheniya. 1940: Resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR on the call of urban and kolkhoz youth to specialized colleges and factory training institutes.
3/10 1934: Zakoncheno stroitel'stvo Dneprovskogo zavoda ferrosplavov. 1934: Completion of construction of the Dneprovsk Iron-Steel Factory.
7/10 1932: Gorod Nizhnij Novgorod pereimenovan v gorod Gor'kij. 1932: The city of Nizhni Novgorod is renamed Gorky.
10/10 1932: Pushchena Dneprovskaya gidroe^lektrostanciya im. Lenina. 1932: Opening of the Lenin hydroelectric power station at Dneprovsk.
11/10 1935: Po nefteprovodu Kaspij -- Orsk (Kazaxskaya SSR) poshla pervaya neft'. 1935: First oil flows from the Caspian-Orsk pipeline (Kazakh SSR).
13/10 1935: Pusk Mariupol'skogo koksoximicheskogo zavoda. 1935: Opening of the Mariupol Coke-Chemical Factory.
1869: Rodilsya V. L. Komarov -- prezident Akademii nauk SSSR, deputat Verxovnogo Soveta SSSR; v 1939 g. nagrazhden ordenom Lenina. 1869: Birth of V. L. Komarov, President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; in 1939 decorated with the Order of Lenin.
14/10 1939: Postroen Ural-Kushumskij kanal. 1939: Construction of the Ural-Kushumsk Canal.
1920: Razgrom Krasnoj Armiej Vrangelya pod Kaxovkoj. 1920: Defeat of Wrangel by the Red Army at Kakhovka.
16/10 1929: Preobrazovanie Tadzhikskoj ASSR v soyuznuyu SSR. 1929: The Tadzhik ASSR becomes a Union Republic (SSR).
1863: Rodilsya znamenityj russkij puteshestvennik P. K. Kozlov. Umer v 1935 g. 1863: Birth of the famous Russian explorer P.K. Kozlov. Died 1935.
18/10 1921: Obrazovanie Krymskoj ASSR. 1921: Formation of the Crimean ASSR.
19/10 1919: Razgrom konnicej Budennogo band Mamontova i SHkuro pod Voronezhem. 1919: Defeat of the bands of Mamontov and Shkuro by Budenny’s cavalry at Voronezh.
20/10 1930: Xakasskij nacional'nyj okrug preobrazovan v Xakasskuyu avtonomnuyu oblast'. 1930: The Khakass National Okrug becomes the Khakass Autonomous Oblast.
23/10 1917: Istoricheskoe zasedanie CK partii bol'shevikov s uchastiem V. I. Lenina po voprosu o vooruzhennom vosstanii. 1917: Historic meeting of the Central Committee of the Bol’shevik Party with the participation of V.I. Lenin on the question of an armed uprising.
25/10 1922: Razgrom belogvardejshchiny i yaponskoj intervencii na Dal'nem Vostoke. Krasnaya Armiya zanyal Vladivostok. 1922: Defeat of the White Guards and Japanese interventionists in the Far East. The Red Army occupies Vladivostok.
26/10 1905: V Peterburge obrazovan pervyj Sovet rabochix deputatov. 1905: Formation of the first Soviet of Workers’ Deputies in Petersburg.
27/10 1898: Osnovanie Moskovskogo Xudozhestvennogo akademicheskogo teatra im. Gor'kogo. 1898: Founding of the Gorky-Moscow Artistic Academic Theater.
29/10 1937: Priem rukovodyashchix rabotnikov i staxanovcev metallurgicheskoj i ugol'noj promyshlennosti rukovoditelyami partii i pravitel'stva v Kremle. 1937: Reception for leading workers and Stakhanovites in metallurgical and coal industries with Party leaders and government officials at the Kremlin.
1918: Osnovanie Kommunisticheskogo soyuza molodezhi. Otkrytie 1 s"ezda Komsomola. 1918: Foundation of the Young Communist League. Opening of the 1st Congress of the Komsomol.
1917: Rasshirennoe zasedanie CK partii bol'shevikov s uchastiem V. I. Lenina po voprosu o vooruzhennom vosstanii. Vybran Partijnyj centr po rukovodstvu vosstaniem vo glave s tovarishchem Stalinym. 1917: Continuation of the meeting of the Central Committee of the Bol’shevik Party, with the participation of V.I. Lenin, on the question of the armed uprising. A Party center is chosen to lead the uprising, headed by Comrade Stalin.
30/10 1931: Zuevskaya e^lektrostanciya (Donbass) dala pervyj tok. 1931: Zuevskaya Electric Power Station (Donbass) produces its first current.
1895: Rodilsya A. A. Andreev -- chlen Politbyuro CK VKP(b), sekretar' CK VKP(b) i predsedatel' KPK. 1895: Birth of A.A. Andreev, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and chairman of the Party Control Committee.
31/10 1935: Pushchen krupnejshij v Soyuze Solombal'skij cellyuloznyj zavod (Arxangel'sk). 1935: Opening of the Solombal’sk cellulose factory (Arkhangel’sk), largest in the Soviet Union.
1925: Umer M. V. Frunze -- vidnyj deyatel' kommunisticheskoj partii, slavnyj proletarskij polkovodec, odin iz krupnejshix organizatorov Krasnoj Armii. Rodilsya v 1885 g. 1925: Death of M.V. Frunze, outstanding figure of the Communist Party, famous proletarian military leader, one of the principal organizers of the Red Army. Born 1885.

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