First posted 20041009
Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
1/10 | 1931: Pushcheny avtomobil'nyj zavod im. Stalina v Moskve i Xar'kovskij traktornyj zavod im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. | 1931: Opening of Stalin Automobile Factory in Moscow and Sergo Ordzhonikidze Tractor Factory in Kharkov. |
2/10 | 1920: Vystuplenie V. I. Lenina na 3 Vserossijskom s"ezde RKSM s rech'yu «Zadachi Soyuzov Molodezhi». | 1920: Address by V.I. Lenin at the Third All-Russian Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Youth League: "Tasks of the Youth Unions" |
1940: Ukaz Prezidiuma Verxovnogo Soveta SSSR o Gosudarstvennyx Trudovyx Rezervax SSSR. | 1940: Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on State Labor Reserves of the USSR. | |
1940: Postanovlenie Sovnarkoma Soyuza SSR o prizyve gorodskoj i kolxoznoj molodezhi v remeslennye uchilishcha i shkoly fabrichno-zavodskogo obucheniya. | 1940: Resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR on the call of urban and kolkhoz youth to specialized colleges and factory training institutes. | |
3/10 | 1934: Zakoncheno stroitel'stvo Dneprovskogo zavoda ferrosplavov. | 1934: Completion of construction of the Dneprovsk Iron-Steel Factory. |
7/10 | 1932: Gorod Nizhnij Novgorod pereimenovan v gorod Gor'kij. | 1932: The city of Nizhni Novgorod is renamed Gorky. |
10/10 | 1932: Pushchena Dneprovskaya gidroe^lektrostanciya im. Lenina. | 1932: Opening of the Lenin hydroelectric power station at Dneprovsk. |
11/10 | 1935: Po nefteprovodu Kaspij -- Orsk (Kazaxskaya SSR) poshla pervaya neft'. | 1935: First oil flows from the Caspian-Orsk pipeline (Kazakh SSR). |
13/10 | 1935: Pusk Mariupol'skogo koksoximicheskogo zavoda. | 1935: Opening of the Mariupol Coke-Chemical Factory. |
1869: Rodilsya V. L. Komarov -- prezident Akademii nauk SSSR, deputat Verxovnogo Soveta SSSR; v 1939 g. nagrazhden ordenom Lenina. | 1869: Birth of V. L. Komarov, President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; in 1939 decorated with the Order of Lenin. | |
14/10 | 1939: Postroen Ural-Kushumskij kanal. | 1939: Construction of the Ural-Kushumsk Canal. |
1920: Razgrom Krasnoj Armiej Vrangelya pod Kaxovkoj. | 1920: Defeat of Wrangel by the Red Army at Kakhovka. | |
16/10 | 1929: Preobrazovanie Tadzhikskoj ASSR v soyuznuyu SSR. | 1929: The Tadzhik ASSR becomes a Union Republic (SSR). |
1863: Rodilsya znamenityj russkij puteshestvennik P. K. Kozlov. Umer v 1935 g. | 1863: Birth of the famous Russian explorer P.K. Kozlov. Died 1935. | |
18/10 | 1921: Obrazovanie Krymskoj ASSR. | 1921: Formation of the Crimean ASSR. |
19/10 | 1919: Razgrom konnicej Budennogo band Mamontova i SHkuro pod Voronezhem. | 1919: Defeat of the bands of Mamontov and Shkuro by Budenny’s cavalry at Voronezh. |
20/10 | 1930: Xakasskij nacional'nyj okrug preobrazovan v Xakasskuyu avtonomnuyu oblast'. | 1930: The Khakass National Okrug becomes the Khakass Autonomous Oblast. |
23/10 | 1917: Istoricheskoe zasedanie CK partii bol'shevikov s uchastiem V. I. Lenina po voprosu o vooruzhennom vosstanii. | 1917: Historic meeting of the Central Committee of the Bol’shevik Party with the participation of V.I. Lenin on the question of an armed uprising. |
25/10 | 1922: Razgrom belogvardejshchiny i yaponskoj intervencii na Dal'nem Vostoke. Krasnaya Armiya zanyal Vladivostok. | 1922: Defeat of the White Guards and Japanese interventionists in the Far East. The Red Army occupies Vladivostok. |
26/10 | 1905: V Peterburge obrazovan pervyj Sovet rabochix deputatov. | 1905: Formation of the first Soviet of Workers’ Deputies in Petersburg. |
27/10 | 1898: Osnovanie Moskovskogo Xudozhestvennogo akademicheskogo teatra im. Gor'kogo. | 1898: Founding of the Gorky-Moscow Artistic Academic Theater. |
29/10 | 1937: Priem rukovodyashchix rabotnikov i staxanovcev metallurgicheskoj i ugol'noj promyshlennosti rukovoditelyami partii i pravitel'stva v Kremle. | 1937: Reception for leading workers and Stakhanovites in metallurgical and coal industries with Party leaders and government officials at the Kremlin. |
1918: Osnovanie Kommunisticheskogo soyuza molodezhi. Otkrytie 1 s"ezda Komsomola. | 1918: Foundation of the Young Communist League. Opening of the 1st Congress of the Komsomol. | |
1917: Rasshirennoe zasedanie CK partii bol'shevikov s uchastiem V. I. Lenina po voprosu o vooruzhennom vosstanii. Vybran Partijnyj centr po rukovodstvu vosstaniem vo glave s tovarishchem Stalinym. | 1917: Continuation of the meeting of the Central Committee of the Bol’shevik Party, with the participation of V.I. Lenin, on the question of the armed uprising. A Party center is chosen to lead the uprising, headed by Comrade Stalin. | |
30/10 | 1931: Zuevskaya e^lektrostanciya (Donbass) dala pervyj tok. | 1931: Zuevskaya Electric Power Station (Donbass) produces its first current. |
1895: Rodilsya A. A. Andreev -- chlen Politbyuro CK VKP(b), sekretar' CK VKP(b) i predsedatel' KPK. | 1895: Birth of A.A. Andreev, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and chairman of the Party Control Committee. | |
31/10 | 1935: Pushchen krupnejshij v Soyuze Solombal'skij cellyuloznyj zavod (Arxangel'sk). | 1935: Opening of the Solombal’sk cellulose factory (Arkhangel’sk), largest in the Soviet Union. |
1925: Umer M. V. Frunze -- vidnyj deyatel' kommunisticheskoj partii, slavnyj proletarskij polkovodec, odin iz krupnejshix organizatorov Krasnoj Armii. Rodilsya v 1885 g. | 1925: Death of M.V. Frunze, outstanding figure of the Communist Party, famous proletarian military leader, one of the principal organizers of the Red Army. Born 1885. | |
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