Almanac «Land of Socialism» 1941, dates in May

Kalendar' «Strana Socializma» 1941, chisla v mae

Copyright © 2003 by Hugo S. Cunningham
Translation copyright P. K. Volkov and the Cyber USSR
Original Soviet text was not copyrighted

First posted 20051126
Latest change 20051126

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

1/V - Den' mezhdunarodnoj proletarskoj solidarnosti, den' boevogo smotra revolyucionnyx sil mezhdunarodnogo proletariata. - Day of international proletarian solidarity, day of military review of the military forces of the world proletariat.
1931: Vstupil v stroj dejstvuyushchix predpriyatij Tashkentskoj zavod sel'skoxozyajstvennyx mashin. The Tashkent Agricultural Machine Factory started operation.
4/V 1935: Rech' tovarishcha Stalina v Kremlevskom dvorce na vypuske akademikov Krasnoj Armii. Speech by Comrade Stalin in the Kremlin Palace at the graduation of academicians of the Red Army.
5/V - Den' pechati.Press Day.
1912: Vyxod pervogo nomera bol'shevistskoj gazety «Pravda». First edition of the Bolshevik newspaper "Pravda" ["Truth," also implies "justice]."
1818: Rodilsya Karl Marks -- osnovopolozhnik nauchnogo kommunizma, genial'nyj vozhd' i uchitel' mirovogo proletariata. Birth of Karl Marx, founder of scientific Communism, brilliant leader and teacher of the world proletariat.
6/V 1940: Pusk Samur-Divichinskogo kanala im. Stalina v Azerbajdzhane. Inauguration of the Stalin Samur-Divichinsk Canal in Azerbaijan.
1937: Opublikovanie pis'ma tovarishcha Stalina sostavitelyam uchebnika «Istorii VKP(b)». Publication of a letter from Comrade Stalin to the authors of the "History of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks)" course.
7/V 1939: S glavnogo konvejera Gor'kovskogo avtomobil'nogo zavoda im. Molotova soshla 50-tysyachnaya legkovaya avtomashina M-1. From the main conveyer belt at the Molotov automobile factory in Gorky [2005 -- Nizhni Novgorod] comes the 50,000th light-weight M-1 automobile.
1934: Obrazovanie Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti. Creation of the Jewish Autonomous > Oblast'.
1917: Otkrytie 7 (Aprel'skoj) Vserossijskoj konferencii RSDRP(b), prinyavshej v osnovu svoix reshenij tezisy V. I. Lenina «O zadachax proletariata v dannoj revolyucii». Opening of the 7th (Aprilist) All-Russian Conference of the RSDRP(b), adopting as the basis of its decision the theses of V. I. Lenin "On the tasks of the proletariat in the current revolution"
9/V 1929: Postanovlenie CK VKP(b) o socialisticheskom sorevnovanii fabrik i zavodov. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on socialist competition of mills and factories.
1924: Gorod Simbirsk pereimenovan v gorod Ul'yanovsk. The city of Simbirsk is renamed Ul'yanovsk.
10/V 1934: Umer predsedatel' OGPU V. R. Menzhinskij. Rodilsya v 1874 g. Death of the chairman of OGPU V. R. Menzhinsky. Born in 1874.
1919: Pervyj kommunisticheskij subbotnik na Moskovsko-Kazanskoj zheleznoj doroge. First Communist subbotnik on the Moscow-Kazan railroad.
11/V 1939: Gibel' Geroev Sovetskogo Soyuza A. K. Serov i P. D. Osipenko v rezul'tate vozdushnoj katastrofy pri ispolnenii sluzhebnyx obyazannostej. Death of Heroes of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov and P.D. Osipenko in an air disaster in the line of duty.
12/V 1926: Gorod Pishpek pereimenovan v gorod Frunze. The city of Pishpek is renamed Frunze. [2005 -- Bishkek]
13/V 1907: Otkrytie 5 (Londonskogo) s"ezda RSDRP. Start of the 5th (London) Congress of the RSDRP.
15/V 1936: Otkrytie Central'nogo muzeya V. I. Lenina v Moskve. Opening of the Central V. I. Lenin Museum in Moscow.
1935: Otkrytie pervoj ocheredi Moskovskogo metropolitena im. L. M. Kaganovicha. Opening of the first stage of the L. M. Kaganovich Moscow subway.
1925: Sovetskij Saxalin osvobozhden ot yaponskix okkupantov. Soviet Sakhalin is redeemed from Japanese occupiers.
17/V 1938: Rech' tovarishcha Stalina na prieme rabotnikov vysshej shkoly v Kremle. Speech by Comrade Stalin at reception for higher education workers in the Kremlin.
18/V 1940: Pusk Calykskogo kanala (Severnaya Osetiya). Opening of the Tsalyk Canal (North Ossetia).
1800: Umer A. V. Suvorov, velikij russkij polkovodec. Rodilsya v 1730 g. Death of A.V. Suvorov, great Russian military leader. Born 1730.
19/V 1938: Dzhambul Dzhabaev, narodnyj pevec Kazaxstana, nagrazhden ordenom Lenina. Dzhambul Dzhabaev, People's Singer of Kazakhstan, is decorated with the Order of Lenin.
1888: Rodilsya N. M. SHvernik -- kandidat v chleny Politbyuro CK VKP(b), sekretar' VCSPS
(Vsesoyuznogo Central'nogo Soveta Professional'nyx Soyuzov),
predsedatel' Soveta Nacionalnostej.
Birth of I.M. Shvernik, candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, secretary of the VTsSPS (All-Union Central Soviet of Trade Unions).
20/V 1929: Otkrytie 5 s"ezda Sovetov SSSR, prinyavshego pervyj pyatiletnij plan razvitiya narodnogo xozyajstva. Opening of the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, adopting the first Five Year Plan for the development of the national economy.
21/V 1937: Vozdushnaya e^kspediciya dostavila na drejfuyushchuyu l'dinu v rajone Severnogo polyusa Papanina, Krenkelya, SHirshova, Fedorova. Air expedition delivers Papanin, Krenkel, Shirshov, and Fedorov to a drifting ice floe in the region of the North Pole.
23/V 1934: Otkrytie 13 s"ezda RKP(b). Opening of the 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
24/V 1905: Rodilsya M. A. SHoloxov -- vydayushchijsya sovetskij pisatel', akademik, ordenonocec. Birth of M. A. Sholokhov, distinguished Soviet author, academician, and winner of awards.
27/V 1939: Postanovlenie CK VKP(b) i Sovnarkoma SSSR «O merax oxrany obshchestvennyx zemel' kolxozov ot razbazarivaniya». Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On Measures to Protect the Communal Lands of the Kolkhozes from Squandering."
1920: Obrazovanie Tatarskoj ASSR. Establishment of the Tatar ASSR.
1703: Osnovanie Peterburga (nyne Leningrad). Founding of Petersburg (modern Leningrad).
30/V 1923: Obrazovanie Buryat-Mongol'skoj ASSR. Establishment of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR.

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