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Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
- | MAJ | MAY |
1/V | - Den' mezhdunarodnoj proletarskoj solidarnosti, den' boevogo smotra revolyucionnyx sil mezhdunarodnogo proletariata. | - Day of international proletarian solidarity, day of military review of the military forces of the world proletariat. |
1931: Vstupil v stroj dejstvuyushchix predpriyatij Tashkentskoj zavod sel'skoxozyajstvennyx mashin. | The Tashkent Agricultural Machine Factory started operation. | |
4/V | 1935: Rech' tovarishcha Stalina v Kremlevskom dvorce na vypuske akademikov Krasnoj Armii. | Speech by Comrade Stalin in the Kremlin Palace at the graduation of academicians of the Red Army. |
5/V | - Den' pechati. | Press Day. |
1912: Vyxod pervogo nomera bol'shevistskoj gazety «Pravda». | First edition of the Bolshevik newspaper "Pravda" ["Truth," also implies "justice]." | |
1818: Rodilsya Karl Marks -- osnovopolozhnik nauchnogo kommunizma, genial'nyj vozhd' i uchitel' mirovogo proletariata. | Birth of Karl Marx, founder of scientific Communism, brilliant leader and teacher of the world proletariat. | |
6/V | 1940: Pusk Samur-Divichinskogo kanala im. Stalina v Azerbajdzhane. | Inauguration of the Stalin Samur-Divichinsk Canal in Azerbaijan. |
1937: Opublikovanie pis'ma tovarishcha Stalina sostavitelyam uchebnika «Istorii VKP(b)». | Publication of a letter from Comrade Stalin to the authors of the "History of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks)" course. | |
7/V | 1939: S glavnogo konvejera Gor'kovskogo avtomobil'nogo zavoda im. Molotova soshla 50-tysyachnaya legkovaya avtomashina M-1. | From the main conveyer belt at the Molotov automobile factory in Gorky [2005 -- Nizhni Novgorod] comes the 50,000th light-weight M-1 automobile. |
1934: Obrazovanie Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti. | Creation of the Jewish Autonomous > Oblast'. | |
1917: Otkrytie 7 (Aprel'skoj) Vserossijskoj konferencii RSDRP(b), prinyavshej v osnovu svoix reshenij tezisy V. I. Lenina «O zadachax proletariata v dannoj revolyucii». | Opening of the 7th (Aprilist) All-Russian Conference of the RSDRP(b), adopting as the basis of its decision the theses of V. I. Lenin "On the tasks of the proletariat in the current revolution" | |
9/V | 1929: Postanovlenie CK VKP(b) o socialisticheskom sorevnovanii fabrik i zavodov. | Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on socialist competition of mills and factories. |
1924: Gorod Simbirsk pereimenovan v gorod Ul'yanovsk. | The city of Simbirsk is renamed Ul'yanovsk. | |
10/V | 1934: Umer predsedatel' OGPU V. R. Menzhinskij. Rodilsya v 1874 g. | Death of the chairman of OGPU V. R. Menzhinsky. Born in 1874. |
1919: Pervyj kommunisticheskij subbotnik na Moskovsko-Kazanskoj zheleznoj doroge. | First Communist subbotnik on the Moscow-Kazan railroad. | |
11/V | 1939: Gibel' Geroev Sovetskogo Soyuza A. K. Serov i P. D. Osipenko v rezul'tate vozdushnoj katastrofy pri ispolnenii sluzhebnyx obyazannostej. | Death of Heroes of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov and P.D. Osipenko in an air disaster in the line of duty. |
12/V | 1926: Gorod Pishpek pereimenovan v gorod Frunze. | The city of Pishpek is renamed Frunze. [2005 -- Bishkek] |
13/V | 1907: Otkrytie 5 (Londonskogo) s"ezda RSDRP. | Start of the 5th (London) Congress of the RSDRP. |
15/V | 1936: Otkrytie Central'nogo muzeya V. I. Lenina v Moskve. | Opening of the Central V. I. Lenin Museum in Moscow. |
1935: Otkrytie pervoj ocheredi Moskovskogo metropolitena im. L. M. Kaganovicha. | Opening of the first stage of the L. M. Kaganovich Moscow subway. | |
1925: Sovetskij Saxalin osvobozhden ot yaponskix okkupantov. | Soviet Sakhalin is redeemed from Japanese occupiers. | |
17/V | 1938: Rech' tovarishcha Stalina na prieme rabotnikov vysshej shkoly v Kremle. | Speech by Comrade Stalin at reception for higher education workers in the Kremlin. |
18/V | 1940: Pusk Calykskogo kanala (Severnaya Osetiya). | Opening of the Tsalyk Canal (North Ossetia). |
1800: Umer A. V. Suvorov, velikij russkij polkovodec. Rodilsya v 1730 g. | Death of A.V. Suvorov, great Russian military leader. Born 1730. | |
19/V | 1938: Dzhambul Dzhabaev, narodnyj pevec Kazaxstana, nagrazhden ordenom Lenina. | Dzhambul Dzhabaev, People's Singer of Kazakhstan, is decorated with the Order of Lenin. |
1888: Rodilsya N. M. SHvernik -- kandidat v chleny Politbyuro CK VKP(b), sekretar' VCSPS (Vsesoyuznogo Central'nogo Soveta Professional'nyx Soyuzov), predsedatel' Soveta Nacionalnostej. |
Birth of I.M. Shvernik, candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, secretary of the VTsSPS (All-Union Central Soviet of Trade Unions). | |
20/V | 1929: Otkrytie 5 s"ezda Sovetov SSSR, prinyavshego pervyj pyatiletnij plan razvitiya narodnogo xozyajstva. | Opening of the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR, adopting the first Five Year Plan for the development of the national economy. |
21/V | 1937: Vozdushnaya e^kspediciya dostavila na drejfuyushchuyu l'dinu v rajone Severnogo polyusa Papanina, Krenkelya, SHirshova, Fedorova. | Air expedition delivers Papanin, Krenkel, Shirshov, and Fedorov to a drifting ice floe in the region of the North Pole. |
23/V | 1934: Otkrytie 13 s"ezda RKP(b). | Opening of the 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). |
24/V | 1905: Rodilsya M. A. SHoloxov -- vydayushchijsya sovetskij pisatel', akademik, ordenonocec. | Birth of M. A. Sholokhov, distinguished Soviet author, academician, and winner of awards. |
27/V | 1939: Postanovlenie CK VKP(b) i Sovnarkoma SSSR «O merax oxrany obshchestvennyx zemel' kolxozov ot razbazarivaniya». | Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On Measures to Protect the Communal Lands of the Kolkhozes from Squandering." |
1920: Obrazovanie Tatarskoj ASSR. | Establishment of the Tatar ASSR. | |
1703: Osnovanie Peterburga (nyne Leningrad). | Founding of Petersburg (modern Leningrad). | |
30/V | 1923: Obrazovanie Buryat-Mongol'skoj ASSR. | Establishment of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. |
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