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Talking Stones

Talking Stones


I respect nature and honor Mother Earth.  I have collected rocks since I was a small child, and sometimes I can feel the energy of the stone's.  Most times you see me I’m carrying my wotai stone.  Every so often I'll run into a stone that will tell me a story.  I remember one night I was at a gathering when someone identified me as the stone guy. Well one of the women needed to have some stones identified.  As I was going through identifying her stones I noticed one piece of Jasper that was broken but was polished on one side.  She placed it in my hand and as soon the she did I was given this wonderful vision of a hawk that flew to high.


A hawk represents the messenger to me that means to stop and listen, to pay attention.  There is something you should learn or pay respect to every time you see a hawk.  So when this stone spoke to me of hawks, I had to pay attention.


Now this hawk was beautiful and powerful.  But that was not enough for this hawk had to be the best.  If you have to be the best then you must be the one who flies the highest.  So this hawk decided he would fly as high as he could to prove he was the best.


He started to fly higher and higher.  He flew so high that he left the Earth behind; he flew to the stars and beyond.  Surely he was the best, as he had flown the highest, he had flown the farthest, and this would prove he was the best.  But he had flown into the darkness and he was alone.


This hawk realized he could no longer sense his family or his loved ones.  Then the darkness began to speak him, it told him that he was the first to come so high and far.  The darkness congratulated the hawk and told him in reward he would be given universal wisdom and connection with the oneness. The hawks heart began to sing with love and compassion, he wanted to return now to tell everyone.  Then the darkness told him if he returned he would not have the same connection to the oneness.


The hawk realized that his true strength came from his relations with others and he did not belong in the darkness. So the hawk returned to his home on Mother Earth.  All of his friends and relations noticed the difference in the hawk and they decided he was the best.  Not because he flew so high but because he had the strongest love and compassion.


Some times the hawk is still guided by the darkness and appears to others when they need to hear the wisdom of the oneness.


After the stone spoke so strongly to me I recommended the woman sit and spend some time with that stone and meditate with it.  Spirit told me it had a story for her as well.


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