Spiritual Simplicity June, 2006 Hi and welcome back to our Ezine Spiritual Simplicity. First thing we want to tell you about are the exciting changes to our Spiritual Simplicity Ezine! You’ll receive your newsletter in a monthly format that will accentuate our new Internet Talk Radio Show. That’s right we are taking Spiritual Simplicity to the cyber-net. Each month, you’ll get a sneak peak at what we will be exploring together on the Talk Show. The Ezine will come out near the end of the month, giving you a leg up on the rest of the listeners. You’ll get the topics and some insights for that month’s weekly shows. We feel this will make the newsletter even better than before and enhance your enjoyment of Spiritual Simplicity, Internet Radio at the same time.
~~~~~~~~~~~ In This Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Request for Email Questions 2. Spiritual Simplicity Show Schedule 3. Sponsors Ad 4. Featured Article: Spirit Guides 5. Classifieds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Request for Email Questions ***
We are also offering you the opportunity to participate in our new Show by calling in or emailing your questions and comments. We plan to read email on air and take callers! It is interactive radio at its best! You can email us ahead of time at Spiritualsimplicity@msn.com or call in during the show at 1-866-472-5795. We look forward to hearing from you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Spiritual Simplicity Show Schedule ***
Saturday July 1st at 10 am eastern Reaching Out To Your Spirit Guides Who are our Spirit Guides and where do they come from? We are going to look at the very personal subject of Spirit Guides. Cindy offers different cultural viewpoints and Dave brings a more experiential approach. We have many guides available to us. Angels, Masters, Soul Group Members, Ancestors and even departed loved ones can be part of our guidance. Both Dave and Cindy share simple ways for us to connect and recognize our Spirit Guides!
To listen to our show go to www.VoiceAmerica.com and click on the 7th Wave Network icon. Our program will automatically come across your computer's speakers. If you miss the live show, it will be rebroadcast about 12 hours later. You can also listen to our archives or download the show to your Ipod or mp3 player. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Sponsors Ad ***
Cindy Griffith’s Psychic Readings are accurate and empowering! To experience your Psychic or Spirit Guide reading with Cindy, contact her to set up your appointment today! For contact information and to learn more about Cindy and her readings go to www.PsychicSupport.com !
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Featured Article: Spirit Guides ***
Is your guide and Angel or an Antelope? Are you helped through life by the fairies or by an Ascended Master? Are your Ancestors departed family members or really you coming forward from a past life? What about our Soul Group? How do they help us? Lots of great questions come up when we talk about Spirit Guides. For this ezine article, we will start by exploring some of the conventional and not so conventional Spirit Guides.
Angels are one the first guides that come to mind. Our guardian angel has been with us since the very beginning, but we have many angels that watch over us. The word “angel” actually comes from the Hebrew Root meaning “messenger” and that is seen as one of the main jobs of angels. Many of us are familiar with the “Parking Lot Angel”, who brings the perfect parking spot to those who ask. This brings us to another common thing about angels and guides. We find that they are much more active in our life when we ask for help. Even though Angels were asked by God to watch over and protect us, they are also not allowed to break our free will. They have been known to step in when a dire circumstance arises, but there seems to be an unspoken clause when it comes to that. Maybe we asked on a soul level or made some arrangement before we incarnated.
That brings us to the Soul’s special connections while in Heaven (or what ever word you for the place your Soul resides when not here on Earth). Dave has already met his Soul Group and here are his thoughts on the Soul Group as a Spirit Guide.
I met my Soul Group during my Near Death Experiences (NDE). Those experiences have influenced my thoughts about Spirit Guides. I believe that we all have a soul group and that they are the ones who meet us when we die. We work together to learn and grow when we are in between lifetimes, yet we also communicate with them while we are alive. They are the ones who guide us to make the correct choices in order to have the life experiences we need to grow both here and back in the light. They help us to have a greater understanding of our world, giving us knowledge that many times goes beyond anything we have learned in this lifetime.
Another group of Spirit Guides that help us are the Ascended Masters. Unlike Angels, these Masters have actually been human and evolved to a higher level of being. A Master has agreed to stick around and guide us less evolved toward our true potential. Sometimes they show up as people and sometimes they guide us through our dreams or synchronicities in life. A guide doesn’t need to whisper in our ear to help us, sometimes making sure the right people or situations show up for us can be any of our guides hard at work!
We can often see signs in the form of Animals or even a truck passing on a highway that has GOD written on the side when you are in a moment of spiritual doubt! Animals can be spirit guides themselves or represent an energy that your guides want you to incorporate or learn from. Animal Spirit Guides can be mythological like the Unicorn or a groundhog sitting on your back porch! When ever an animal shows up in your life that is not usually there, it is a messenger!
Signs and Synchronicities are the easiest way to connect to your Spirit Guide. Pay attention and be mindful. Most often your guide will not yell down “Noah, build me an ark!” but instead might send a lot of ducks in your path! When we are open to how our guides can contact us, we are opening our self to the world of spiritual guidance available to us!
Those are just a few of the Guides we’ll discuss together on Spiritual Simplicity, our Internet Talk Radio show, Saturday Morning, July 1st 10 am Eastern on www.VoiceAmerica.com ’s 7th Wave Network, when we delve deeper into “Reaching Out To Your Spirit Guides” Please Join us and remember, you can contribute your ideas and questions via email at SpiritualSimplicity@msn.com or by calling us during our show.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Classifieds ***
SPIRITUAL SIMPLICITY ~ Everyday Tools for Spiritual Living. With hosts Cindy Griffith-Bennett & Dave Bennett
We look forward to sharing all sorts of loving spiritual ideas and stories that will help you bring simplicity into your life. You'll hear short, yet to the point, easy to comprehend insights ranging from Metaphysics, Tarot, Channeled Wisdom & Near Death Insights. As you can see, a little for every interest! Inspirational stories and understanding basic universal principles have helped many of us to weed through the mass overdose of sacred information out there. It can be difficult to find time to read all those books or locate a spiritual community, so please join us at Spiritual Simplicity as we bring education and fellowship together in one simple place. Spiritual Simplicity: Everyday tools for Spiritual Living.
Go to www.VoiceAmerica.com and click on the 7th Wave Network icon. Our program will automatically come across your computer's speakers. If you miss the live show, it will be rebroadcast about 12 hours later. You can also listen to our archives or download the show to your Ipod or mp3 player. Email us at SpiritualSimplicity@msn.com .
Spiritual Simplicity ~ A simple ezine Don't miss out on the next issue of Spiritual Simplicity. They're Free. Join us as we share all sorts of loving spiritual ideas with our short, simple ezine! It contains stories and insights ranging from Metaphysical Principles, Channeled Messages, Near Death Insights, Dealing with Cancer and more. Note: Our subscriber list is NOT made available or sold to anyone. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.
Our New Internet Radio Talk Show At 10am eastern & 7am Pacific. |