Facing Death

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Facing Death with a Terminal Illness


When facing death and you are told you have a terminal disease there comes a better connection with God, Goddess, Creator, Buddha, Allah or the Great Spirit.  What you chose to call the higher self or universal mind from this point forward I will call it spirit.  When you’re diagnosed with something terminal and you are facing the possibility of an early passing over, that connection is much closer.  Your going to start to hear more through spirit.  When I say that if you’ve worked with spirit or if you haven’t worked with spirit your going to understand more clearly what is Your Truth.  What’s important to you.  Your going to hear it through your heart and not so much hear it through your mind.  A mind is a wonderful thing, its wonderfully illuminated.  But it holds onto and grasps many parts of our life.  If you cultivate your mind so that it can process through your spirit through your connections to the universal mind the all knowing.  You start to listen more through your heart.  Your heart begins to open.  At first its hard at first your going to have a good cry over this.  That’s necessary because you need to release.  Its one thing to have a good cry but if you grasp and hang onto it and grasp and hang onto the misery and the suffering your not going to be able to evolve beyond and learn from this experience.  You have a wonderful opportunity to grow at this stage and to be at peace at this stage.  With the truth you can be content in knowing this is where you are and that you’ve worked as hard as you can to be the best person you can be.  When you come to that realization you can release and let go.  A cry is a good way to do it.  And there are other ways but to stop grasping and to stop holding onto what’s no longer necessary when faced with death is a much easier path. 



You will also find that you need to unclutter a sort of cleaning house in a way.  You need to put things in order.  Talking to those that you need to talk to, can be very emotional because you’re so much closer to spirit you are going to feel their emotion and that is going to multiply your emotion and then the human side will get involved.  You need to get through it and you’ll gain strength in a much clearer and calmer connection after.  It won’t be easy to accomplish. 



Once it is accomplished acceptance of were you are,  in your path,  in this life and at this point will be so much stronger.  You need to get some of the obstacles off your path.  Some of the stones in the path will require some housekeeping.  Talk to close family and friends and let them know were you are and let them know your connection with spirit.  Then you can talk openly and freely and they will know they can speak freely with you.  You don’t have to hold anything back; you can express who you really are.  You don’t have to have these curtains of humanity that we hang onto YOU CAN BE WHO YOU ARE.  We tend to gather around us a cloak through our life, a cloak of humanity.  It’s the human side, its part of our emotion part of our drive.  These are healthy if kept in balance.  We also do it for protection but with a growing connection with spirit you don’t need that cloak anymore.  You can cast it off and again you can be who you really are.  You don’t need to have those veils that deception or all those things we tend to hide behind.  We can step up front and we can move forward.  With our connection with spirit and with our hearts open nothing can hurt us.  We can now move forward in our evolution.  With that comes the greatest growth, the greatest satisfaction.  With that we are preparing ourselves to ascend back.  When we return there will be no judgment. Were going to go through our life review with no judgment.  We will go through our life review with understanding.  We will understand everything on how we approached this life.  With that we are going to grow and evolve and that’s the important thing to prepare for.  So cleaning house--- I once was able to go and visit with one of my teacher in her retreat house.  I was in a troubled state.  One of the things she talked to us about was cleaning house.  How the physical activity of cleaning house brings us closer to our own sprit in many ways.  We really went to town on her house, cleaning and scrubbing.  It was a wonderful experience because as we were doing it we were mindful of our need to clean our spiritual house.  Again this helped us to accept who we are.  Once we have a understanding of who we are and a connection with Spirit then we can face what is to come.

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