Balance Spirit & Self

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Balance of Spirit and Self for Healing


My dearest friend, companion and wife once wrote a paper on Keep It Simple Spiritually K.I.S.S. and that is the way you should approach healing terminal illness.  A part of healing terminal illness is balance.  I key part of balance that most folks forget is; yes you need to take in but you also need to give back.  To give back or a simple giveaway can be as simple as sharing your enlightenment and Spirit with others at any opportunities that come.  You do not have to give away large monetary amounts even though charity is good.  To really effect change in this world we need to reach out to each other with greater understanding.  When we can do this there will come greater acceptance and tolerance.  Then we can grow more universal love and compassion for others.  To reach out with your heart open to others is the most wonderful gift you can give.  To face your own mortality you have to face your own heart.  The truth that lives within your heart, if shared with others will touch them and it stays with them.  It becomes a part of their life and it then becomes a part of a quiet ministry.  Then you and your essence of who you are never goes away.  Who you were is just a part of everyone you’ve touched.  So again in order to heal, in order to have the coping skills needed to deal with cancer or terminal illness you must give back. 


K.I.S.S. another way you can give back is to develop your own gratitude prayer.  Just be thankful for you’re live.  Be thankful for what you are working on or the understanding you have achieved in your life. 


Wake up, be mindful, be grateful and give back.  These are all keys to healing.  We all want to heal, we want to take in and we need to take in, but with a balance.  We need the balance of taking in what you need to heal.  Take in the medications, the energy, the love, the compassion of others and the support.  Take all that in and accept it but also give back.  In order to truly heal it has to move both ways.  When you find the balance unbelievable gifts sometimes can just fall in your lap.  I recently received a Christmas Miracle that gave me conformation and told me that I am working in the right direction.  This is what will help to give you strength and hope, accept them these show that you are growing.  Spiritual gifts are the conformation that you are healing and developing on your path. 


There is a life force in our body.  Sometimes you hear it called your Chi or your charkas system.  Energy flows through the body in multiple directions.  You have to allow the life force to enter and to exit.  Just like breath, you breath in the four winds.  You utilize the oxygen, you take from it and then you release your manna, you breath back upon the four winds.  So you are taking in and giving back.  With that you need to do is include Spirit, your Self is breathing in the winds and giving back to the winds.  Now lets include Spirit, you are going to breath in Spirit and the universal all.  You are going to use your heart to work with Spirit and the universal all.  Through your heart you know your truth.  Knowing your truth you can speak it upon the winds and let it be known.  You are now sharing your Spirit and giving back.  In this way you strengthen your life force your Chi. Allowing the energy to flow in and flow out just like breathing.  The more you practice with this simple discipline, allowing it to come into your heart and knowing your truth gives your life force more balance.  Just like breathing, you need to do it all the time, every moment even when you’re sleeping.  You process so much when you sleep, bring that forth, work with that.  There might be some clues there for you or solutions to obstacles that you can overcome.  But remember you have to cultivate the mind to work and listen to your heart.  We have grownup in this culture to use our mind to make an income and rule our life.  Unfortunately you all have been hurt in this lifetime at some point.  That makes you want to shut down your heart.  There is a fear that if you open your heart that it will get hurt.  But the heart is very strong; remember that is where the light of Spirit burns.  When you open your heart with the light of Spirit no one can touch that, no one can hurt that.  Because it is all a part of the same love that everyone else is connected to.  It is a part of the same universal consciousness or universal mind that we call God.  So no one can hurt that.  You cultivate your mind to listen through your open heart.  You know your truth.  You speak your truth.  Your giving back and balancing.  You can then begin to HEAL.  You will begin to have the strength and correct purpose to heal.  The overwhelming love and compassion for others is very powerful. 


You also have to remember when working with your connection to spirit and increasing your spiritual growth.  Not to forget the Self, you have to foster the positive aspects of your human side at the same time.  In your healing process balance is the most important part of your work.  You have to keep that life force energy flowing in order to heal.  So how do you foster your human side?  What do you do?  Part of the physical and chemical therapies that you go through causes you to dread.  Because they put you through so much anguish and pain.  It creates suffering for your Self.  So you have to do what you can to alleviate the pain but maintain your mental clarity.  One way to do this is through visualization and another way is through prayer.  Your human side or Self needs ceremony to strengthen itself and quiet the mind.  Prayer and visualization are both a way of giving your Self ceremony.  Ceremony allows the human side to release and to build up at the same time.  Allowing it release so Spirit can work and allowing the build up of the positive aspects of your human side.  Building up aspects like humor, sense of drive and egos.  Those are things that you need to be human. 

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