My Soul Group

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Meeting my Soul Group & The Life Review

Continued from my Near-Death Experience

The excerpts below are from the book we are writing.

It was at this point, I started looking around more. I didn’t see beautiful landscapes, there was just the light. But the light in itself was the most beautiful vision you can imagine. I wasn’t wanting for anything else to look at.

I noticed three other light fragments that became brighter.

Yet, in the light, I noticed three other light fragments that became brighter. They had silhouette shapes. Not clearly defined but I recognized them as other beings. It seemed like they were separating themselves from the light and coming to me. As they did, I could sense them projecting “welcome home” as if we were family and that there was joy in our reunion. I never had those strong feelings in life.  This felt stronger and more binding than anything I had experienced in my life. I was now home, together with these beings. Since then, I have come to call them my Soul Group or Soul Family.
They were so excited to be there and to see me. I can not express enough how they felt like family to me. I just knew I was home, and it felt so wonderful. They were supporting me and helping me by projecting waves of love and compassion. I was overcome with joy and the feeling of finally belonging somewhere and not isolated anymore. Beyond the original three, there were more light beings coming and joining us. They didn't really communicate, at least not in a way that you and I are accustomed to. There were maybe a dozen in all. Some of them were behind others so I couldn’t see them as clearly as the ones closest to me, but they were all around me. These others were like family, but not as close as the first three. The first three were the prominent ones, like best friends or immediate family.
I got the feeling from all of them, simultaneously, that as a group we needed to move over to this other area. They didn’t communicate this with words, I just had an understanding. It was as if we entered a sphere. Once this sphere was completely around us, I started to experience my life. I got to experience it in a way that is very difficult to explain. It was as if I was looking at it from inside out, from other people’s perspectives. This view was wondrous and wonderful. The depth of the life review was incredible and ineffable. I'll try to put words to it so that you may envision it. I like to say it was all-encompassing but that falls short as an explanation.
The review moved along fairly sequentially. But, I could see multiple effects and ripples, from my original actions and reactions, all at the same time moving beyond the area of the sphere. Not only were they images, but I also experienced feelings. I could sense the feelings of others and how my actions in this life had touched them. I could feel the joy, happiness, heartaches, disappointments, and love. I felt all of their emotions in regard to my actions.
I have difficulty explaining the intensity, speed and the flow because everything was flowing continuously in my life review. It was distracting because I could also feel that my Soul Family was excited to be here and to get to experience this along with me.
There were parts of my life review that I wished that they didn’t have to see. I didn’t want to have to admit things that I had done. They didn’t judge it, not even the parts that were sorrowful, suffering or things I was not too proud of. They were merely observing it.
Beyond the group’s support, I was also aware of the consciousness of the Light. When I think of God, I think of this consciousness of the Light. It almost seemed like there were billions and billions of Souls attached to that consciousness. I had a complete understanding of it when I was there, but now it is beyond my definition. I can tell you this. It was observing, supporting and an incredibly loving constant during my experience.
Along with not having a physical body, I was there without my life’s drama wrapped around me. All the fiction I had created in my life of who I thought I should be was stripped away because the consciousness of the Light knew me better than I knew myself. I experienced my true self.
I felt as though I was reviewing my life so that I might grow and evolve from this life’s experience. I was surprised that some of the things I had done had taken on so much importance because when they actually happened it didn’t feel that critical. But they took on a bigger significance in the life review once I saw the after affects, especially how my actions affected others.
In life we are always thinking about leaving a mark and trying to make our life matter. The accomplishments we think are important, like building something that will live beyond us or getting a promotion aren’t necessarily the things that are going to be the most important in our life review.
Excited is such a limited word to describe the reaction from my group of beings as we viewed this experience. They didn’t have any judgment pro or con. They seemed to relish the experience. I learned that what is more important than focusing on these grand plans of leaving a mark is to try to live your life, day by day, the best you can. Cherish your experiences, good and bad, big and small. Try to be as helpful, compassionate and loving as you physically can.
Suddenly the images and feelings changed, I was being shown images that were not from the life I had just left. I had no reference to them and that really confused and disoriented me. My Soul Group continued supporting me during this, not with words, but with thoughts of immeasurable love and compassion.
That is when I heard a clear, distinct voice that didn’t feel like it came from my group. It felt like it came from the light itself. I just focused on this voice. I stopped paying attention to what was going on in the sphere and the group. I became focused on this incredible loving voice that told me “This is not your time, you have to return.”
When I heard that message, my first response was “No, no, I want to stay here!” “I like it here. I do not want to have to go back and continue living that life.” I was resisting, pleading, arguing. I did not want to agree with the request. Then I heard the voice again. This time it said “No, you have to return, you have a purpose.”
When I heard/felt, the second phrase, it was so loving, yet forceful that I couldn’t argue with it. I understood the truth within it. When you are in the light, it is very humbling. Suddenly I understood that I had to return to my body and continue living my life. It was one of those circumstances when you have a knowing or understanding that this is what is supposed to be. You may not want to do it, which was clearly my case, yet, you can not argue with what is supposed to be. I was quite content being in the light and happy to stay there. Yet, the voice was like that of a mother or parent that is so full of love, I just couldn’t say no.
Although we were still there in the sphere, the experiences of the life review totally faded away. Until I came to that acceptance and knowing that I had to return to my body, all of my Soul Group stayed with me. After my acceptance, all but the original three melded back into the light.

We were instantaneously transported back into the ocean. I became aware of my body. Lifeless and suspended in the water, it was still being tumbled and blasted by sand and sea. I was watching it without emotion, already longing to return to the light. I did not want to return to my body. Separating from the light and rejoining my body was the hardest thing I had ever been asked to do. It was more painful than the act of drowning.
My body was still in a very bad breaker zone, being buffeted and wrapped by the waves as it rolled around under the sea. The storm was so incredibly rough that it caused a nice sloping sandy beach to erode into a 13 foot cliff. The sea state was estimated somewhere between 25 and 30 feet.
Now, a sailor knows how to care for his lines. Ropes for you land lovers. One of the things he will do to protect his line from fraying is to weave the ends back into itself. This creates a knot called an end splice. If a line has one end attached to a boat with the other end free, the free end is called the “bitter end”.
Our Zodiac was an inflatable boat with four pontoons filled with air. All but one of the pontoons had burst. The lines were loose and flailing around the boat. Somehow my arm, in all that violence, had become tangled up in the one pontoon that still had air. The bitter end was hitting my body in the chest. When the next set of waves hit, the rope dislocated my shoulder and thumb as it pulled my body to the surface.
The four of us watched as another wave hit my lifeless body against the pontoon. Finally the waves hit my body against the pontoon with so much force that it pushed some of the water out of the lungs. Simultaneously, my Soul Group gave me a shove. I experienced a rushing vibration and was back in my body. I breathed my first breath of air in a very long time.
My Soul group was gone, my lungs were on fire and my head was pounding. My body felt so dense it was like frozen lead. I would have immediately slipped beneath the surface again if I were not tangled up in the pontoon. I coughed, threw up and tried to breathe again. The cold waves kept pounding me. I still kept being pulled down. The longing I had felt when first leaving the light was now intensified. When you return to life, you continue to have a longing to return back to that light and love. Most people that have had a near death experience will understand what I am trying to say. That longing starts the moment that you return to your body. I have learned from other experiencer’s that we all share this longing. So my first conscious thought after returning back to life was “why do I have to live this life?”
At the same time, there was a nagging understanding that I needed to survive resonating within. I kept questioning “Purpose? What Purpose? I have a Purpose?” I just knew I needed to survive because there was some purpose.

Reconnecting with Ship Mates ~
As I was pondering my purpose, in the distance, I could hear my name being shouted. My shipmates were looking for me. Somehow, they had all made it to the surface safely. In all this chaos, someone had actually hung on to the flashlight and they had all gathered around it. Now, they were looking for me. I tried to yell to them, but it just came out like a squawk. They finally spotted me and swam over. Still a mile off the coast, we all hung on to what was left of the boat and began to kick and swim to shore. The waves were hitting us so violently that it was an incredible fight.
Once I became untangled, I was still having trouble staying above the surface. I kicked off my boots knowing that they had steel toes. I remember thinking, “Damn, there goes 90 bucks and a new set of redwings!” It didn’t help.
It was then that I realized my life vest wasn’t any good. The funny thing was that very experienced divers and seaman, under normal circumstances, would never wear life vests. It was only because of the extremely rough weather that we went down to the Boatswain’s locker and dusted off these old vests. My Mae West was so old that the lining was rotted and shredded. The fiber filling had become saturated with sea water. The US Coast Guard has since banned this floatation devise, just because of this reason. It had gotten so full of water that it was acting as an anchor, dragging me down. What was supposed to save me actually killed me; only to be saved by the bitter end.

I threw off the vest and it sunk beneath the water, never to be seen again! Once I could stay above the surface, it was easier for me to keep a hand on the zodiac. I could then kick, swim and do my part to cover the mile between us and the shore.

This was more than I could handle so I told every one that Neptune had spit me back to make light of the situation. Eventually that connection with the light faded as I tried to live my life. But I was changed and I knew I could not tell anyone what I had experienced, (Especially the guys). They would think I was nuts. So over time I repressed some of the near death experience.



if you are interested in what gifts I received then read:  Gifts Revealed


Then maybe you would be interested in Before & After


Ten years after the near death experience was  another experience you can read at  Reliving the Death.  

All rights reserved do not reproduce any part of this web site without expressed written permission from Dave Bennett. © 2006:David Bennett




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