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Below are some of my favorite Native American Music CDs. 

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bulletHow The West Was Lost (1993 TV Documentary Series Soundtrack)
Peter Kater, R. Carlos Nakai
bullet How The West Was Lost (1993 TV Documentary Series)This is the CD I play in the car before I go into the woods for a walk or a hike.  It stays with you and puts you in the right frame of mind for some quiet time. The talents of Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai are really amazing. Its emotional involvement and passion are present when you totally involve yourself into the music. The range of musical instruments, and the fire of the Native American spirit make this a CD that will be greatly admired.


R. Carlos Nakai, Peter Kater
bullet MigrationWhat makes MIGRATION so special is the unique blend of traditional instruments like the piano, cello and flute combined with the Native American flute, and on some tracks, Native American vocals. What these talented muscians create is unlike anything that I have never heard before!


bulletCanyon Trilogy: Native American Flute Music
R. Carlos Nakai
bullet Canyon Trilogy: Native American Flute MusicNakai's free improvisations on this album are based on his impressions of the Anasazi and Sinagua sites, ancient cliff dwellings that were home to communities of Native people thousands of years ago. Nakai is able to play duets with his own echo, in an effort to emulate the echoes of the past that haunt these ruins. On this recording, Nakai's flute sounds even more plaintive than usual, as if the spirits of these forgotten ancestors had entered into the studio to fill his playing with the whispered reverberations of their ancient ways. This is one of Nakai's most deeply felt recordings, one that resonates with a deep, melancholy yearning.