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bulletThe Book of Secrets
by Loreena McKennitt
bullet Book of SecretsMcKennitt's recordings always have the quality of a spiritual sojourn; her songs are those of a seeker, whether she's setting Yeats, Scripture, or her own words to her compositions. It's this that attracts people to her music, and The Book of Secrets is no exception, whether it's the lazy rhythms of "Marco Polo," the sober joy of "The Mummers' Dance," the poignancy of "Skellig" or "Dante's Prayer," or the drama of "The Highwayman." "The Highwayman" is particularly strong. This is music that can be enjoyed on many levels.


bulletWhite Stones
Secret Garden
bullet White StonesI gave this CD to my wife and now I can never get it back, but she rewards me with a listen now and then.  The duo of Norwegian keyboardist Rolf Lovland and Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry this twosome's attractive, smartly conceived mix of compatible elements including light classical, urbane New Age, and well-mannered contemporary Celtic. The album has quiet pieces as well as fast, classic/folk, pieces well worth a listen to.