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Spiritual Simplicity

Everyday Tools for Spiritual LivingView Host Page

Our Internet Radio Talk Show At 10am eastern & 7am Pacific.

Look for us at www.VoiceAmerica.com On their 7th Wave Network.

With hosts
Cindy Griffith-Bennett & Dave Bennett

We look forward to sharing all sorts of loving spiritual ideas and stories that will help you bring more simplicity into your spiritual life as well as your everyday. You can look forward to short, yet to the point, easy to comprehend insights ranging from Metaphysics, Tarot, Near Death Insights, an occasional channeled message as well as help for those who are coping with Cancer or other terminal illness. As you can see, a little for every interest! We find that inspirational stories and understanding basic universal principles have helped many of us to weed through the mass overdose of sacred information out there. Cindy Griffith and Dave Bennett will make every effort not to add to an already overwhelming amount of information. We understand how difficult it is to find time to read all those books or locate a spiritual community, so please join us at Spiritual Simplicity as we bring education and fellowship together in one simple place. Spiritual Simplicity: Everyday tools for Spiritual Living.


Cindy Griffith-Bennett, (www.PsychicSupport.com) internationally renowned Psychic, Teacher and Author has a diverse background in Metaphysics and Energetic Healing. Bringing her broad base of knowledge together, she created Metaphysics Interactive in 1999, a monthly lecture series that is still going strong. Cindy Griffith speaks to those just starting on the path and the well versed travelers with spiritual guidance brought down to earth with an easy to understand style. In 1993, Cindy Founded the Center of Holistic Support in Greenwich, Connecticut. Now living in the Finger Lake region of New York, Cindy has clients throughout the USA and abroad. Whether on Television, Radio or in person, she is known best for her positive and empowering psychic readings that assist in bringing your innate gifts and strengths into your every day life.


Dave Bennett (www.Dharma-talks.com), public speaker, author and co leader of the Upstate New York IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) had his life altering Near Death Experience (NDE) while a chief engineer and professional diver. His NDE changed his life focus to a call to service as a dialysis program manager. Dave is a survivor of stage four lung and bone cancer. He currently speaks publicly about his NDE and cancer survivor story through out the country. Dave brings to Spiritual Simplicity a compassionate and intuitive energy as well as a wealth of knowledge about the Near Death Experience and the after life. As a cancer survivor, He offers hope to those with a terminal illness. Dave is currently writing a book on his near death experience.



Schedule of Upcoming Shows & Dates


& Our recommendations for books.


July 29th
Intuition or Imagination: How Can I Tell?

Is our guidance divine or delusional? Cindy and Dave share some of their tried and true methods to discern the difference. Imagination is the door that intuition walks through. Creativity, visualizations, journaling and even “light” work are some of the ways we’ll share to develop your intuitive muscle. We will look at your email and call in questions about the joys and obstacles encountered on the journey to a more intuitive you!


bulletAugust 5
Virginia R. Waldron, MS, CHt: Our Souls Journey Home
Have you ever wondered where you were before you came here? Join us as we welcome Virginia Waldron, Certified Hynotist and Spiritual Regressionist (www.GateKeeperGuidance.com) for an exploration of Spiritual Regression based on the ground breaking work of Dr. Michael Newton. Also known as Life Between Lives, this regression work is one of the most powerful tools to heal, grow and evolve. We’ll also compare this process to the Near Death Experience to find the similaries and common afteraffects for both experienences.

bulletAugust 12
Dreams: Opening the Doorway to Your Soul.
Have you ever wondered what your dreams are really trying to tell you? In many cultures, it was natural to discuss the nightly dreams over breakfast. Talking about your dreams is still a wonderful way to open the door to conversation with anyone, especially our children and mates. Often the stories our dreams tell us give us insight into a part of our self that our minds can’t see. Dave and I will share basic Dream Interpretation techniques as well as discuss common dream themes. Dreams are a tool that your Soul uses to talk to you. Join us and discover how your dreams symbols speak to you!

bulletAugust 19
Kimberly Clark Sharp: After the light
Dave and Cindy welcome Kimberly Clark Sharp author of “After the Light: The Spiritual Path to Purpose”.  Kimberly shares her Near-Death Experience and how the NDE touched her and changed her life forever to a life of service. Kim is the founder of Seattle International Association of Near Death Studies, the world’s oldest and largest support group for near death experiencers. Tune in for a spirited exchange of Kim’s aftereffects and what has enhanced her spiritual life.


bulletAugust 26
I Can’t Believe I’m Meditating!
This fresh new look on meditating will help anyone who has been frustrated with traditional meditation techniques. When we look at our busy schedule and hectic life, we wonder who has time to sit quiet and meditate! You do! You do it everyday! Come see how your simple, everyday tasks like washing dishes or listening to music can become an effective meditation! Meditation helps your focus, relax, and improve the connection to your intuition and more! Listen in as Dave and Cindy will introduce simple meditation techniques and find out how you are already meditating every day!


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Please Donate to Spiritual Simplicity whatever you can.

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Stay tuned as we provide;

Downloadable mp3's of Past Shows.


July 1st ~ Reaching Out To Your Spirit Guides


July 8th ~ Pearls of Wisdom: A Gift from Our Guides


July 15th ~ The Near Death Experience: Dave's Personal Story


July 22nd ~ 30 Years of Near Death Research: The Greyson Prospective


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Find Back Issues of our Ezine (Email Newsletter) Here

Here is our most resent Ezine

Spiritual Simplicity

August, 2006

We’ve completed four shows already and this Saturday the show is about Intuition or Imagination, how can I tell. At the bottom of this ezine is this weeks E-Card.  

If you want to listen to our past shows go to our host page, Click this link then select the show you want to hear.

“Spiritual Simplicity: Everyday Tools for Spiritual Living”

We want to thank all of you that submitted email questions and called in. It helps us to give you the type of show you want. Now we need your questions for the upcoming shows.

~~~~~~~~~~~ In This Issue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. Request for Email Questions

2. Spiritual Simplicity Show Schedule

3. Sponsors Ad

4. Featured Articles:

Virginia R. Waldron: Our Souls Journey Home

Dreams: Opening the Doorway to Your Soul.

Kimberly Clark Sharp: After the light

I Can’t Believe I’m Meditating

5. Classifieds

6. This Week’s E-Card


*** Request for Email Questions ***


We are requesting you participate in our show by calling in or emailing your questions and comments. We plan to read email on air and take callers! It is interactive internet radio at its best! You can email us ahead of time at SpiritualSimplicity@msn.com or call in during the show at 1-866-472-5795.  We look forward to hearing from you!


*** Spiritual Simplicity Show Schedule ***


 August 5

Virginia R. Waldron, MS, CHt: Our Souls Journey Home

Have you ever wondered where you were before you came here? Join us as we welcome Virginia Waldron, Certified Hynotist and Spiritual Regressionist (www.GateKeeperGuidance.com) for an exploration of Spiritual Regression based on the ground breaking work of Dr. Michael Newton. Also known as Life Between Lives, this regression work is one of the most powerful tools to heal, grow and evolve. We’ll also compare this process to the Near Death Experience to find the similaries and common afteraffects for both experienences.


August 12

Dreams: Opening the Doorway to Your Soul.

Have you ever wondered what your dreams are really trying to tell you? In many cultures, it was natural to discuss the nightly dreams over breakfast. Talking about your dreams is still a wonderful way to open the door to conversation with anyone, especially our children and mates. Often the stories our dreams tell us give us insight into a part of our self that our minds can’t see. Dave and I will share basic Dream Interpretation techniques as well as discuss common dream themes. Dreams are a tool that your Soul uses to talk to you. Join us and discover how your dreams symbols speak to you!


August 19

Kimberly Clark Sharp: After the light

Dave and Cindy welcome Kimberly Clark Sharp author of “After the Light: The Spiritual Path to Purpose”.  Kimberly shares her Near-Death Experience and how the NDE touched her and changed her life forever to a life of service. Kim is the founder of Seattle International Association of Near Death Studies, the world’s oldest and largest support group for near death experiencers. Tune in for a spirited exchange of Kim’s aftereffects and what has enhanced her spiritual life.


August 26

I Can’t Believe I’m Meditating!

This fresh new look on meditating will help anyone who has been frustrated with traditional meditation techniques. When we look at our busy schedule and hectic life, we wonder who has time to sit quiet and meditate! You do! You do it everyday! Come see how your simple, everyday tasks like washing dishes or listening to music can become an effective meditation! Meditation helps your focus, relax, and improve the connection to your intuition and more! Listen in as Dave and Cindy will introduce simple meditation techniques and find out how you are already meditating every day!


To listen to our show live go to www.7thWaveNetwork.com one of the VoiceAmerica Networks. Our program will automatically come across your computer's speakers. If you miss the live show, it will be rebroadcast about 12 hours later. You can also listen to our archives or download the show to your Ipod or mp3 player from our Host Page at: 



*** Sponsors Ad ***


Cindy Griffith’s Psychic Readings are accurate and empowering! To experience your Psychic or Spirit Guide reading with Cindy, contact her to set up your appointment today! For contact information and to learn more about Cindy and her readings go to www.PsychicSupport.com !  



*** Featured Articles: ***


8/5 - Our Soul’s Journey Home

I first met Virginia Waldron (Aka ~ Kiki), at a coffee shop in Cazenovia, NY. We hit it off right away. The Heavenly “in the know” guys were probably giving each other the high five! “Finally! We have been trying to get these two together for years!” Since that fateful day, we have taught together and played together. I have the utmost respect for Kiki and her work as a Hypnotherapist. When she said that she was going for certification for Dr. Newton’s Life between Lives work (Spiritual Regression) both Dave and I were very excited.


We had both read Dr. Newton’s Journey of Souls and anxiously awaited the day that we could experience the process first hand. Kiki (or Virginia as her clients call her) didn’t disappoint us. The session, which was about 5 hours from hello to goodbye hug, was mind blowing. I finally understood so many things about my Soul and my Soul Group. I got to experience a deep connection to my guides and council. I am so excited that Kiki is going to speak to us on August 5th and I hope you will join us when she reveals more about her experiences with Dr. Newton’s exciting work.


8/12 - Dreams: Opening the Doorway to Your Soul.

Dream Interpretation is one of the most well attended classes I teach. Maybe it is because almost everyone can remember at least one dream that they had in their life. Dreams cause us to ponder. In many cultures, it was natural to discuss the nightly dreams over breakfast. Talking about your dreams is still a wonderful way to open the door to conversation with anyone, especially our children and mates. Often the stories our dreams tell us give us insight into a part of our self that our minds can’t see.


Many people love the “dream dictionary” books that you find in the bargain section, but often the interpretations don’t speak to us. Why? We all have personal interpretations of even the most basic of archetypal figure. Take Mom for example. If I asked each of your reading this to give me one trait that defines “Mother” to you, we would have a multitude of responses. You might say “nurturer” or “criticizer”. Maybe you would say “supportive” or “over protective.” We all see mother as different. So if I dream about my Mother, it will mean something different than if you dream about yours! The way you interpret a dream symbol is personal to you! That is why the common Dream Dictionaries aren’t always on target. Join us on August 12th to learn more about how to interpret your dream symbols without a book and in a way that is perfect for you!


8/19 - Kimberly Clark Sharp: After the light

"Death is nothing to fear - and life without fear can be lived to the fullest."  This is Kimberly Clark Sharp's message from her extraordinary experience during the time after her heart suddenly stopped beating and she lay on the sidewalk, not breathing, and without a pulse. Swept into a peaceful loving place of brilliant golden light and warm comfort, she saw, for the first time, the meaning of life and death.

Guided by a new sensitivity to the presence of angels, demons and other invisibilities, Kimberly attained a Masters degree in Social Work and began her career that put her in direct contact with dying people and people who almost died and came back. Here Kim was able to collect inspirational stories of other Near-Death Experiencers. Most notability Maria and the now famous account of the shoe on the ledge. The home run of verifiable Out of Body Experiences.

I first heard Kim speak in Chicago and she had me and a room full of listeners laughing, as she related her experiences. She tells it like it is and you can always trust her to shoot straight from the hip. The second time we had a meeting together in Virginia Beach, I asked her to give me some ideas on how to run a successful IANDS group. That’s when I observer her as an advocate for the NDErs and anyone seeking a spiritual life. Warm and compassionate, brilliant and witty Kim is a personality you have to hear.


8/26 - I Can’t Believe I’m Meditating!

Dave and I started to write a book on this topic a few years back. We realized that many of the daily tasks we take for granted are really meditations in the rough. We all have to stand in a long line or take a shower. These are just two opportunities to meditate.


Students often say that they can’t meditate. Well I bet you have and don’t even know it. The simplest meditation I know is called the 20 second meditation. I also call it the potty meditation! You can do this one almost anywhere! (Except when operating heavy machinery!) Just rest your head in your hands. Then focus on the weight of your head on your open palms. Hold that focus for about 20 seconds and wah lah, you have just meditated! Now, I know, it is not what is called a formal meditation, but if you goal for meditating is relaxation, this one is great! Listen in for more easy to do meditations! We’ll also be taking your meditation questions! So email us at SpiritualSimplicity@msn.com or call the day of the show (August 26th at 10am eastern)



*** Classifieds ***


SPIRITUAL SIMPLICITY ~ Everyday Tools for Spiritual Living.

With hosts Cindy Griffith-Bennett & Dave Bennett


We look forward to sharing all sorts of loving spiritual ideas and stories that will help you bring simplicity into your life. You'll hear short, yet to the point, easy to comprehend insights ranging from Metaphysics, Building Intuition, Meditation Techniques, and Channeled Wisdom & Near-Death Insights. As you can see, a little for every interest!

Inspirational stories and understanding basic universal principles have helped many of us to weed through the mass overdose of sacred information out there. It can be difficult to find time to read all those books or locate a spiritual community, so please join us at Spiritual Simplicity as we bring education and fellowship together in one simple place.

Spiritual Simplicity: Everyday tools for Spiritual Living.


To listen live go to www.7thWaveNetwork.com one of the VoiceAmerica Networks. Our program will automatically come across your computer's speakers.

If you miss the live show, it will be rebroadcast about 12 hours later. You can also listen to our archives or download the show to your Ipod or mp3 player from our Host page. At http://modavox.com/modaview/010293/index.html

You can download our Modaview Player onto your PC desktops for instant access to our show and archives, it makes it much easier to listen to our show.

Email us at SpiritualSimplicity@msn.com .



Spiritual Simplicity ~ A simple ezine

Don't miss out on the next issue of Spiritual Simplicity.  They're Free.  Join us as we share all sorts of loving spiritual ideas with our short, simple ezine!  It contains stories and insights ranging from Metaphysical Principles, Channeled Messages, Near Death Insights, Dealing with Cancer and more. 

Subscription E-mail address:


Note:  Our subscriber list is NOT made available or sold to anyone.  We value every subscriber and respect  your privacy.

.View Host Page

Our New Internet Radio Talk Show

At 10am eastern & 7am Pacific.


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