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What is Sacred Space?

I look at Sacred Space in a couple of ways. One way that was taught to me when I was young is that place you go inside yourself, when you are in a meditative state. Like when you are on a vision quest, or are experiencing a sweat lodge. In that place you can receive insights, and the wonders of life can be revealed. The other way I think of scared Space is, a physical place where we can get in touch with that which is larger than us. It is the second place I want to talk about because that is the area that most people want to learn how to make in their home or on their property.

A Sacred space can be a place that is known to be sacred, or it can be a place you make sacred. They can be outdoors or in your home. One thing they all do is help us to focus our spiritual sight, by releasing that spiritual energy inside each of us so we can touch the divine. Throughout the history of mankind altars and shrines have been made. Sometimes they are made to be elaborate and sometimes they are kept simple, it is up to the individual that is creating the sacred space. Building an altar or shrine is a step toward awareness.

The other way I think of scared Space is, a physical place where we can get in touch with that which is larger than us.The very act of creating an altar makes us spiritually receptive to the sacredness it represents. It requires intent on your part to collect a grouping of objects that have a spiritual meaningfulness to you and/or your family. Then arrange them in such a way as to have meaning in, or touch your heart.

Take your time to feel what areas in your home or property make you feel comfortable and more in touch with yourself and others. It can be in your garden or when you are doing something that makes you mindful. My wife likes to be mindful when she washes dishes. So why not have an area on a window ledge above the sink, to help create the quiet focus needed for her to be mindful. We have many areas in and around our house where we can feel the energy of spirit. We have tried to develop this atmosphere throughout the home in which we dwell.

In our library we have pictures of angels, statues of Tara, Bodhisattvas and Kwan Yin, stones and a snakeskin that were collected on trips and retreats, Mandalas, and scarves that were blessed. In one area there are just feminine goddesses. We use the library to gather energy and knowledge needed to live happy lives. The items have been collected over many years. It is a place in our home where you can sit and meditate or quietly read or study.

In my office I have my personal Altar with a picture of HH the Dali Lama and a picture St. Pio of Pietrelcina. Padre Pio gave me the blessing of hope when I was fighting cancer. We were on a retreat with the Dali Lama for three days where we learned the ways of the bodhisattva and took our vows. In the altar is a statue of the Buddha surrounded by my collection of crystal and stone balls. I hang my prayer beads on the altar shelf when I am not wearing them. When I am meditating I will energize and activate the altar by lighting candles and incense to help create a relaxing, spiritual space.

We have a healing altar in the house with a Medicine Buddha, Candles incense and an urn for ashes. We put the names of people we know or hear about that need prayers on that altar, because they are suffering from an Illness or may be near death. If they pass over to the other side, then we burn the paper with their name in the urn, and burn sandalwood to help their soul on its way. We burn sandalwood on a regular basis to represent our prayers for those people.

We are in the process of creating a garden sanctuary in the back. For a place to experience natures wonder and connection with Spirit through air, earth, water, and fire as well as the four directions.

So you see altars and Sacred Space can have many intention and goals. It can be public, private, have a general purpose, or of a single focus. Create them for your needs and comfort. Build them to help you focus and clarify your thoughts and intentions, use them to gather up your life force and strengthen your spirituality. They can represent peacefulness, calm, strength, energy, direction, or meaning. What ever you see as your need in this life can be a focus for your Sacred Space. It becomes clear that making an altar is not decorating.

Begin simply by placing a cloth on a shelf or table. The cloth can be one of significance or of a specific color that has meaning to you. Everything about the space is ultimately personal. Though there are philosophies and systems of thought for guidance (Feng Shui or the Native American medicine wheel, for example). There are symbols such as the cross for Christianity or for the Egyptians, the ankh sign represented life. There is no right or wrong, if you want a Tibetan altar, they have specific guidelines. Your Sacred Space can be eclectic with deities and goddesses from many cultures along with personal objects.

Personal Altars and Sacred Space are not churches, temples, or ashrams, the latter are places that are refuge set apart from the pressures and pleasures of daily life. Domestic altars are deliberately set into the everyday, as a way of infusing the ordinary with the sacred. Native American culture believed there was no distinction between the sacred and the day to day life. They believed there were supernatural forces and spirit interconnected and in harmony with all life. They say it is our responsibility to work with and stay in balance with the universe, the supernatural, and spiritual forces at all times.

But it can also just BE. It has its own energy to sanctify your entire home. As you pass by your altar every day, you will be blessed by that radiating energy.

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