The Central Committee of the Cyber USSR unanimously recommends that American comrades cast ballots today (2006/1107 Tuesday) for Republican candidates.
Some might question voting for candidates running on blatantly reactionary platforms, but such votes serve a progressive end: shoring up the political authority of Pres. George W. Bush. G. W. Bush has done more than the combined efforts of all the progressive movements of the last 60 years to undermine and weaken imperialism, eg.
(2) plunging the USA so deeply into debt that economic pressure on China and other countries no longer has credibility
(3) fostering US oil profligacy that quadrupled the world price of oil, strengthening anti-imperialist forces in the Motherland, Iran, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Some have speculated that his real motives are not progressive, but rather family oil stock portfolios, but what matters is the progressive effect.
(4) In partnership with Comandante Chavez of Venezuela, pioneering paperless electronic voting technologies (Diebold, Smartmatic, Sequoia, etc.) that can ensure progressive outcomes, regardless of what demagogic attacks may be employed to confuse prospective voters by reactionary media.
From: A. Ya Vyshinskij
Newsgroups: alt.politics.libertarian,,alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.bush
Subject: (USA): Cyber USSR recommends vote for Republicans
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:15:55 -0500
Organization: Kiberneticheskij Soyuz S.S.R.
Lines: 27
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