I. V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)

26 yanvarya 1934 g.

Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935

Copyright © 2003 Hugo S. Cunningham

Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224

Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchayasya Pod"em Narodnogo Xozyajstva i Vnutrennee Polozhenie SSSR (str. 41-106)

Sekciya 2: Pod"em Sel'skogo Xozyajstva (str. 61-81)

Str 71:

«204 tysyachi traktorov i 3 milliona 100 tysyach loshadinyx sil dlya kolxozov i sovxozov. Sila, kak vidite, ne malaya, sposobnaya vykorchevat' vse i vsyakie korni kapitalizma v derevne.» (str. 70) «We have 204,000 tractors with a total of 3,100,000 H.P. working for the collective farms and state farms. This force, as you see, is not a small one; it is a force capable of pulling up all the roots of capitalism in the countryside»

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

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