26 yanvarya 1934 g.
Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935
Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224
Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchayasya Pod"em Narodnogo Xozyajstva i Vnutrennee Polozhenie SSSR (str. 41-106)
Sekciya 3: Pod"em material'nogo polozheniya i kul'tury trudyashchixsya (str. 82-93)
«Neizbezhnym priznakom krupnyx gorodov burzhuaznyx stran yavlyayutsya trushoby, tak nazyvaemye rabochie kvartaly na okrainax goroda, predstavlyayushchie grudu temnyx, syryx, bol'shej chast'yu podval'nyx, polurazrushennyx pomeshchenij, gde obychno yutitsya neimushij lyud, koposhas' v gryazi i proklinaya sud'bu. » (str. 84) | «An inevitable feature of the big towns in bourgeois countries is the slums, the so-called working-class districts on the outskirts of the towns -- a heap of dark, damp and dilapidated dwellings, mostly of the basement type, where usually the poor live in filth and curse their fate.» (P. 722) |
Links to text of I.V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)