26 yanvarya 1934 g.
Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935
Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224
Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchayasya Pod"em Narodnogo Xozyajstva i Vnutrennee Polozhenie SSSR (str. 41-106)
Sekciya 4: Pod"em Tovarooborota i Transport (str. 95-105)
«Chtoby e^konomicheskaya zhizn' strany mogla zabit' klyuchom, a promyshlennost' i sel'skoe xozyaistvo imeli stimul k dal'nejshemu rostu svoei produkcii, nado imet' eshche odno uslovie, a imenno, -- razvernutyj tovarooborot mezhdu gorodom i derevnej. » (str. 95) | «If the economic life of the country is to go full steam ahead, and industry and agriculture are to have a stimulus for further in creasing their output, one more condition is necessary, namely, well-developed trade turnover between town and country.» |
Links to text of I.V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)