26 yanvarya 1934 g.
Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935
Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224
Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchayasya Pod"em Narodnogo Xozyajstva i Vnutrennee Polozhenie SSSR (str. 41-106)
Sekciya 2: Pod"em Sel'skogo Xozyajstva (str. 61-81)
Str 67:
Procent kollektivizacii krest'yanskix xozyajstv v 1929 godu -- 3,9 | Percent collectivization of peasant households in 1929 -- 3.9 |
Procent kollektivizacii krest'yanskix xozyajstv v 1933 godu -- 65,0 | Percent collectivization of peasant households in 1933 -- 65.0 |
«E^to znachit, chto kolxozy pobedili okonchatel'no i bespovorotno» (Burnye, prodolzhitel'nye aplodismenty.)(str. 68) | «This means that the collective farms have triumphed completely and irrevocably» (stormy and prolonged applause)(p. 68) |
Links to text of I.V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)