26 yanvarya 1934 g.
Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935
Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224
Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchijcya Krizis Mirovogo Kapitalizma i Vneshnee Polozhenie Sovetskogo Soyuza (str. 5-40)
Sekciya 2: Obostrenie politicheskogo polozheniya v kapitalisticheskix stranax (str. 20-33)
« Ob e^tom krasnorechivo govoryat xotya by takie fakty, kak ispanskaya revolyuciya, svergnuvshaya rezhim fashizma, i rost sovetskix rajonov v Kitae, kotoryj ne v silax priostanovit' soedinennaya kontrrevolyuciya kitajskoj i inostrannoj burzhuazii.» (str. 22) | «This is eloquently testified to by such facts as, say, the Spanish revolution which overthrew the fascist regime, and the expansion of the Soviet districts in China, which the united counter-revolution of the Chinese and foreign bourgeoisie is unable to stop.. » |
Links to text of I.V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)