26 yanvarya 1934 g.
Partizdat CK VKP(b), 1935
Added 20030224
Last minor change 20030224
Glava 2: Prodolzhayushchayasya Pod"em Narodnogo Xozyajstva i Vnutrennee Polozhenie SSSR (str. 41-106)
Sekciya 3: Pod"em material'nogo polozheniya i kul'tury trudyashchixsya (str. 82-93)
«Na ee mesto vystupaet novaya derevnya s ee obshchestvenno-xozyajstvennymi postrojkami, s ee klubami, radio, kino, shkolami, bibliotekami i yaslyami, s ee traktorami, kombajnami, molotilkami, avtomobilyami. Is-chezli starye znatnye figury kulaka-e^kspluatatora, rostovshchika-krovososa, kupca-spekulyanta, batyushki-uryadnika. Teper' znatnymi lyud'mi yavlyayutsya deyateli kolxozov i sovxozov, shkol i klubov, starshie traktoristy da kombajnery, brigadiry po polevodstvu i zhivotnovodstvu, luchshie udarniki i udarnicy kolxoznyx polej. » (str. 86) | [The old, church-blighted village is being replaced by the new] «, with its public farm buildings, with its clubs, radio, cinemas, schools, libraries and crèches ; with its tractors, harvester combines, threshing machines and automobiles. The former important personages of the village, the kulak-exploiter, the blood-sucking usurer, the merchant-speculator, the "little father" police officer, have disappeared. Now, the prominent personages are the leading people of the collective farms and state farms, of the schools and clubs, the senior tractor and combine drivers, the brigade leaders in field work and livestock raising, and the best men and women shock brigaders on the collective-farm fields. » (P. 723) |
Links to text of I.V. Stalin, Otchetnyj Doklad 17 S"ezdu VKP(b) o Rabote CK VKP(b)