Hugo S. Cunningham
first posted approx 1997
latest significant update 991216
latest minor change 2010/1104
Copyright © 1997 by Hugo S. Cunningham
Link to current E-mail address
Usenet foolishness: kooks and trolls
Russian links
Some references
Il'ya Repin's painting: Cossacks writing a letter to the Sultan
A delightful classic
Site includes the bawdy text of the letter
Boyan Collections (indexed) of Russians' poetic speech
Soviet stuff:
Charter and index for the Cyber-USSR-- Stalin-era kitsch
(Do you suspect that Usenet denizens are kooks? The Great Leader and Teacher showed us the way!)
What's new? (Recent additions to the Cyber-USSR)
N.I. Yezhov's homepage, including short biography [revised 980724]
N.I. Yezhov was police chief at the height of Stalin's Great Purge (1936-38).
Criminal Code of the RSFSR, 1934
Section 58 ("Counterrevolutionary Crimes"), in English and Russian
N.I. Yezhov's professional achievements,
including the full text of a 1936 Moscow show trial
"Kirov," a screenplay by Oliver Stonesky
The Great Leader and Teacher I.V. Stalin (5 minutes of stormy applause)
Pavlik Morozov [revised 20060711]
This delightful cherub denounced his father to the secret police, and was adopted as a patron saint by the Young Pioneers.
Info on songs and slogans:
"Communist Manifesto": "Workers of all nations, unite!"
A glossary of ideologically-correct insults [990402]
Drug Prohibition
Drug Prohibition is the single most-easily-removed cause of crime, and of the poverty, unemployment, despair, and -- yes -- drug abuse that crime causes.
Druglibrary -- The most extensive on-line, drug policy library in the world. Hosted by the Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet).
As just one example of the kind of info available here, they tabulate US government data showing a 40% drop in the US homicide rate after the repeal of Alcohol Prohibition (1933).
Stanton Peele's website on addiction and recovery. Dr. Peele is an outspoken critic of the "disease" model of alcohol abuse and other drug abuse. He believes, and cites research to back it up, that patients are most likely to be helped by therapy that encourages them to build on their strengths and take direct responsibility for themselves.
Drug Policy Foundation, leading anti-Prohibitionists
In his book For Your Own Good, libertarian Jacob Sullum takes a skeptical look at "second-hand smoke."
Misc. humor
Tobacco -- an appraisal by the original "health Nazi"
Alcohol -- Proof that Our Lord did not condone drinking at Cana! (John 2:1-10)
"DARE" poster
Some Usenet threads (not available yet)
Are you familiar with the HCI factoid, that if you keep a gun in your home, it is 43 times more likely to harm an innocent family member than to protect you from crime? (Not true, unless you shack up with a habitual violent criminal) This, and other prohibitionist myths, are carefully debunked at the "Official pro-gun FAQ." [990620]
Some other political causes, mostly libertarian, centrist, or conservative
Walter Olson's website, satirizing abusive lawsuits.
"Consumer Freedom Network" (formerly "Guest Choice Network"): originally founded by restaurant and tavern owners who want to leave health choices to informed consumers, rather than political zealots and cranks.
Editor's note: despite the tone of the previous sentence, I approve of efforts by schools to curb junk-food sales in cafeterias.
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
"Open Law"s challenge to Congress's perpetual extension of copyright at the behest of wealthy media conglomerates.
The US Constitution allows copyright only for a "limited" term (Article 1, Section 8, clause 8). The Court's failure, thus far, to enforce this limit encourages suppression of free speech, as in the "Wind Done Gone" case.
Carl Malamud's "Public Resource" makes US public documents (eg. court decisions, patent filings, and building codes) freely accessible to the taxpayers who paid for them and the people required to know and obey them.
(The name is a parody off "free-range" livestock.)
Questions the panic and litigation-fear that keeps kids from normal, growing activities like walking to school, Halloween trick-or-treating, and school recess.
Reason, skepticism, and free thought
Witchhunts (day care and other)
Articles on the Fells Acres Day-care ritual-abuse case
Judge Borenstein overturns a Fells Acres verdict [added 980612]
National Committee for Reason and Justice, Inc. (NCRJ)
educates public and publicizes defense funds for innocent people sent to jail by hysteria and/or junk science.
The Innocence Project promotes (1) the use of DNA evidence to clear the falsely convicted and (2) examination of the causes of proven false convictions, eg. false confessions and mistaken eyewitness identifications.
debunks bogus medical claims.
Some links: Freethought and Skepticism [added ca 990301]
Misc. Foreign topics
Far Right
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
An archive of German Nazi propaganda (1933-1945)
"Did Six Million Really Die" (Holocaust Revisionism)
"The Turner Diaries"
South Carolina's declaration of secession (24 Dec 1860) proudly defends slavery.
Far Left
Favorable views of Stalin
Some of my favorite Usenet newsgroups
ne.politics, ne.general (New England)
soc.culture.russian (1995-1998, intermittently since then)
Until Jun 2007, a deja/google search could find most of my Usenet postings under author
"Hugo S. Cunningham". For reasons unclear, that no longer works. They can still be found under my original "author" E-mail addresses (real or artificial), but those have changed over the years.
Since 2004, try (or a search for "cyberussr" will pick them up)
Some older ones include (1998 and before) (1998-2001)
hcunn1221 att yahoo dot reverse-moc (2001-2004) (spam-resistant format) (2001-2004, rare) dot reverse-moc (2001-2004) (spam-resistant format)
Reference materials
Arts and Literature
Visits to old address of this site
1 Mar 1998 to 30 Apr 2002: approx 22,230.
Visits to this address since 1 May 2002: