But murders are so rare in either the USA *or* Britain that they do
not force people to modify behavior. In contrast, robberies
(muggings), assaults, and burglaries are so common in Britain that
they do modify behavior, keeping honest people inside much more than
in the USA. A 1/50 chance of being assaulted means a lot more to me
than a 1/16000 chance of being murdered, especially since even that
1/16000 can be reduced to European levels simply by staying out of a
small number of urban neighborhoods, at least at night.
1995 figures, UK and US, crimes per 1,000,000 populaton
#2: 1999 figure:
#3: (approximate, from my recollection)
Incidentally, the 2/1 UK/USA ratio for burglaries shown above is
even worse for Britain, because about half of British burglaries are
against *occupied* homes, while in American the ratio is a mere 15%,
so rare that such burglaries are headlined as "home invasions." The
difference, of course, stems from liberal US gun laws; American
burglars take great care to avoid the possibility of encountering an
armed homeowner.
--Hugo S. Cunningham
>> You are six times more likely to be mugged in London now than in New
>The converse is true on murders though.
(Note: for ease of comparison,I have converted statistics from 1/1000
and 1/100,000 to 1/1,000,000)
type of crime UK USA source
robbery 7,800
5,700 #1
assault 20,000
9,000 #1
burglary 80,000
42,000 #1
Motor veh. theft 24,000
10,000 #1
murder -
58 #2 (for 1999)
murder 18
- #3
#1: 1995 figures:
Since these figures are read off of a graph, they are not 100% accurate.
British statistics do not count all the homicides that US statistics
do; nevertheless, there is a consensus that the USA homicide rate is
still higher than Britain's.
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