Happy Endings At 
Wisconsin Chow Chow Rescue

Many, many Chows have passed through the kennels of Wisconsin Chow Chow Rescue 
since 1985 on their way to permanent loving homes.  Here are just a few of them:

Our Happy Endings Pages are best viewed in full screen.  

Jack Smithwick & Katie & Kody Jack Smithwick of Green Bay was looking for a new companion after his Chow of many years passed away.  He wasn't so sure he wanted to adopt two at once but it didn't take him long to decide that two Chows would be twice the fun!  Katie and Kody were a pair of strays that wandered onto the farm of the Lori Wilson family in August of 2004.  They cared for the two dogs until there was room for them to come into rescue.  Jack adopted them in early 2005.  Now they romp in his landscaped backyard complete with a babbling brook!
"Toby" and Betty Capelle

"Toby", a handsome black male wearing his Green Bay Packers tie, could be described as a true gentleman! This wonderful Chow was an unclaimed stray. Why didn't his owners look for him when he was lost? We'll never know but we're glad Winnebago Animal Services of Rockford, Illinois sent him to us. Shown here with his  favorite person, Betty Capelle of Milwaukee who adopted him in 1996, Toby shared her affections with two cats and a Cockatiel and regularly visited with Betty's daughter Mary and granddaughter Chris.

Toby passed away in 2002 and Betty couldn't stand to be without a Chow for long.  So she came back to see us and went home with..........

"Toby" and Betty Capelle
......"Ripley"!  Ripley has quite a long history with us since he was here twice.  Originally called "Romeo" because he was such a lover, he was rescued as a young dog from a neglectful owner.  Renamed "Toby", he was placed with a family in Milwaukee where he lived happily for several years until unfortunate circumstances forced them to give him up.  We had a lot of adoption interest in Toby because he was such a happy go lucky guy that liked kids and cats but none of these prospects seemed quite right for him.  Apparently he was waiting for Betty to take another Toby into her life!  

Betty changed his name to "Ripley" but that was the only change she had to make.  Ripley settled in to Betty's routine without missing a beat.  So much for the myth that "Chows are one-owner dogs"!  
"Sasha Vosburgh" "Sasha", along with a black male Chow, was surrendered in poor physical condition to the Dane County Humane Society in the fall of 2001.  Shortly after arriving, Sasha presented the shelter with a litter of four puppies!  The male Chow was placed by the shelter and Wisconsin Chow Chow Club member Janice Faust fostered Sasha and her babies until they were old enough for placement through our program.   Sasha was adopted by Tom and Mary Ann Vosburgh of northern Illinois in the spring of 2002.  You can see that she has a really hard life now!  
"Sassy Skelton" "Sassy" was an unclaimed stray from the Rock County Humane Society.  She was retrieved and fostered by Wisconsin Chow Chow Club members Shirley and Tom Skelton who liked her so much, they decided to adopt her themselves!  Sassy is our most accomplished rescued Chow:  she earned her AKC Companion Dog obedience title in 1997 and was ranked 3rd highest scoring Chow in obedience in the country!  She's also our best known rescued Chow, having appeared in several newspapers, "Wisconsin" magazine and the AKC GAZETTE.  Sassy continues to make annual appearances at the Badger Dog Fair where she introduces visitors to the unique qualities of the Chow Chow breed.  

"Sheba" (left) was an unclaimed stray from the Rock County Humane Society. Sheba was  adopted by Milwaukee-area photographer Karen Soeteber and her family where she goes on adventures year round with her best friend "Brandy".  

"Sheba" and "Brandy" Soeteber
Marilyn Weber-Lewis of Milwaukee knows what great dogs Chows can be the second time around.  In 1990, she adopted "Caesar", a red male, from us.  When Caesar died in 2001 at the age of 13, Marilyn came straight back to us for her next Chow.  She chose "Ben", a beautiful blue senior who came to us as an unclaimed stray from the Elmbrook Humane Society.  Ben is an extremely dignified, well mannered and mellow Chow Chow who already knew how to sit, lie down, heel, and stay on command.  Many people overlook older dogs, wrongly believing they have to have a young one if the adoption is going to be successful.  Ben is an excellent example of how wonderful senior Chows can be if only someone will give them a chance to prove it!

When Ted Kazubowski's Chow Chow passed away of old age, he knew he needed another one.  He wasn't interested in any other breed.  "Willy" was an unclaimed stray from the Sauk County Humane Society in Baraboo.  He came to us in October 2002 and met Ted the following April.  As you can see, the rest is history!  

Ted Kazubowski and "Willy"
"Onyx" "Onyx" (left) was born at WCCR in 1994.  His mother "Sheba" was pregnant him she arrived and delivered them soon after.  Onyx now lives with Darren Kahler in Waukesha where he shares his home with another adopted Chow "Jasper".  Sheba was adopted by Terri Glamman & family of Wisconsin Rapids. 

"Nick" is another unclaimed stray, retrieved from the Joliet Township (Illinois) Animal Control.  How he became a stray is a real mystery since Nick is a show calibre Chow with tremendous head, bone and coat.  Chows like Nick don't come from pet stores or backyard breeders.  Dubbed "Saint Nick" because he entered our program near Christmas 1997, he was adopted by Jennifer Enright-Ford of Oconomowoc and shares his home with a Pug named "Cutlet". 

"Bette" When Gary Zwicke's first adopted Chow passed away from old age, he came straight back here for another one.  He picked "Bette", a beautiful senior cream female.  Bette was sent to us in 2003 by a rural Illinois shelter and was described to us as being about 5 years old and male!  It didn't take long to figure out that "he" was really a she and a good bit older than the shelter guessed.  She was in poor physical condition with several medical problems from neglect but she recovered quickly and is back to being as beautiful as she was born to be! "Bette"

In 1994,  Chow Chow Club, Inc. member Donna Thielen retrieved "Cinny" from the Winnebago Animal Services  in Rockford, IL. and brought her to us. Cinny had been an unclaimed stray. Donna groomed her and helped with some of her medical expenses. This bubbly young dog was adopted by Jan Lubeno of Michigan.

"Cinny II"

A Wisconsin couple vacationing in Florida found "Cinny II" on the streets. Afraid to take her to animal control and not knowing that what they were doing was illegal, they brought her back with them to Wisconsin and left her with us. (Found strays must go to animal control first so their rightful owners have an opportunity to reclaim them.)   A petite red with a lively personality, Cinny was fostered by Wisconsin Chow Chow Club members Harold & Adie Toudt before she was adopted by Carol Semmerling of southern Wisconsin where she shares Carol with cats & two other dogs.  Cinny so impressed Carol with the Chow Chow breed and with rescue programs that she later adopted a second Chow that we found for her through the Buddy Foundation of northern Illinois.  

"Bruin" was given up by his owner who couldn't care for him properly.  A great big enthusiastic bear of a Chow, he was adopted by Minnesota's Jeff Wedemeier in 2003.    

"Rosie" "Rosie" kind of snuck in here pretending to be a smooth coated Chow Chow but she was really a Chinese Shar Pei mix with pointed ears.  (In this picture, she's pretending to be one of Santa's reindeer)  Rosie was a stray from Joliet Animal Control in June 2004 and was found in poor physical condition, very thin with patches of missing hair, itchy skin, and terribly fly-bitten ears.  After a few weeks of good care and quality dog food, she was good as new.  Dave & Jody Ratzlaff were browsing the web hoping to come across something similar to their Shar Pei mix "Otis" who'd recently died at the age of 12.  They found Rosie on our website.  She went home with them in February 2005 and we expect them to have many happy years together.  


More Happy Endings

We'd like to give a special thanks to the members of the Wisconsin Chow Chow Club, Inc.
and the veterinarians and staff of the Janesville Veterinary Clinic and the All Creatures Veterinary Hospital
for their help in making all these happy endings possible!