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Chow Chow Club, Inc. Welfare Committee
1993 to 2005 Statistics

Calls & Emails Received
Number of Homeless Chows & Chow mixes reported
Reasons Chows were homeless
Grants paid
Homeless Chows by state


Calls & Emails received:     1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Information, questions   2 48 95 96 229 303 395 458 431 358 265 196 220
to report homeless Chow Chows & mixes*   194 260 415 540 982 1337 1673 1888 1996 1775 1303 1265 995
adoption/purchase inquiries           152 483 623 574 603 538 474 345 237
Total Calls & Emails   196 308 510 636 1363 2123 2691 2920 3030 2671 2042 1806 1452
Total Homeless Dogs Reported:

Chow Chows










1558 1623 1619 1198
  Chow Mixes   8 21 29 165 177 419 505 710 709


Chows Homeless or Unwanted because:   1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Strays, owner unknown   45 60 94 110 246 371 421 445 494 322 333 306 261
given up by owner, reason unknown       66 53 64 65 155 217 240 187 170 160 78
in shelters, reason unknown       53 46 109 229 199 390 244 194 248 252 189
sold at auction   74 24   2 5     8          
authorities removed from owner   55 27 54 5 23 39 32 23 16 22 56 58 15
owner moved   17 35 55 75 89 148 194 188 198 166 145 154 131
landlord problems   2 2 3 16 28 21 15 22 21 14 16 19 10
owner evicted or home destroyed     12 21 7 20 9 16 10 8 13 16 23 90*
fights with other dog   4 10 22 28 50 37 68 57 44 36 55 39 25
abandoned @ clinics, boarding kennels, etc.   4 8 9 15 16 36 24 17 25 8 11 13 8
chases cats, pets, livestock     1 9 4 9 9 10 16 11 13 14 6 7
behavior problems, runs away, etc.   2 7 10 13 15 14 22 15 8 18 13 11 7
bites   16 18 21 37 47 57 58 62 48 33 40 18 15
family has allergies, asthma   4 4 7 13 15 22 17 11 13 15 19 13 11
dog isn't good with kids     10 22 16 37 34 31 32 32 38 27 26 9
expecting/just had baby, scared about dog   2 4 8 14 5 7 5 10 8 7   3 1
worried about dog with kids           16 7 18 15 14 12 7 13 14
expecting/just had baby, no time for dog     3 8 2 9 5 5 5 15 3 5 3 6
divorced   2 6 1 10 12 19 16 16 15 15 14 13 11
owner's illness or death   2 18 21 22 64 52 68 102 93 121 100 124 76
breeder couldn't sell   1 9 2 10 36 23 40 56 63 30 20 28 11
owners left dog in yard when moved   1 3 4 2 22 26 26 20 24 25 38 21 9
owner went to school or military     1 1 2   4 3 4 5 5 11 1 6
owner went to jail or rehab       1 3 2 3 13 5   5 2 9 4
don't want or "no time for dog"     17 17 36 70 113 96 110 109 86 97 63 56
job requires travel, no time for dog         1 6 8 4 2 6 3 6 5 3
owner would like to travel         1 3 2 2 2   1     2
petstore or kennel closed         13                  
breeder doesn't want         6 8 1 11 9 21 7 15    
shelter closed           11 1 6   13 6 1   7
neighbors complaining           22 7 2 31 11 2   6  
"I have too many dogs"       1 1 11 15 15 13 12 4 2 13 15
"I can't take care of or can't afford"       4 2 19 29 30 10 30 39 36 29 22
family or friends don't like       3   5 6 2 15   2 2 3 1
"dog is too much work"     2     4 10 3 2 3 1     1
insurance company doesn't like Chows             3 2 1 8 6 6 6 11
no yard or place to keep             8 2 2 5 6 4 4 2
separation anxiety, fear of storms             6 4 7 8 8 7 9 5
dog has medical problems       1   3 3 7 6 11 11 10 11 5
dog became pregnant           1 1         1    
too big for house, no room               4 4 4 3 2    
"dog needs more space"               3 3 1 1   4  
dog is too old               1            
getting a different dog               1            
opening day care business               3 1   1 3    
dog is too playful               2   3   4   3
going on vacation               1            
kids let dog loose too much               2            
doesn't want hair in house               1            
not good watchdog                 1          
won't breed or not good enough to breed                 3   1      
just had yard landscaped                     1      
dog not active enough                     1      
has more dogs than city allows                       23    
pushed out of car                       3   5
stray in shelter, owners know but won't reclaim                       10 6 2
over legal dog limit                          52  
building new house,
remodeling house


Notes about these statistics:

  • Calls & emails -- refers to calls/emails rec'd by the CCCI Welfare Hotline number at 608-756-2008 and the chowwelfare.com email addresses.  Calls and emails are only counted once per situation.  
  • Information/questions -- refers to all contacts seeking information not directly related to a homeless dog, i.e. grooming, training, "how long do Chows live?", etc.  
  • Mixes -- as of May 2000, CCCI Welfare stopped providing assistance to Chow mixes because of limited resources.  Mix contacts were not fully tallied after that date.  Beginning in 2003, mix contacts are no longer tallied at all.  
  • Adoption/purchase inquiries -- these inquiries were not recorded until July 1997.  

Why did our numbers increase so dramatically in 1997?  The answer is improved visibility via the web!  The CCCI Welfare website went online in November 1996.  The number of inquiries and reports of homeless Chows jumped immediately and continued to rise throughout 1997 resulting in a more than 100% increase in contacts across the board.  

2002 demonstrates the first significant decrease in homeless Chow contacts and numbers of homeless Chows since we began keeping records!  This is the beginning (we hope) of a long-awaited decline in rescue numbers that correspond with the decreasing Chow population in general, a number that peaked in 1989 when the AKC registered over 50,000 Chows and the breed ranked #6 in popularity.  

2005 marked another significant decrease in numbers of homeless Chows.  Approximately 40-50 Chows were left homeless as a result of Hurricane Katrina and other disasters.  

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Grants paid to rescue volunteers toward the 
medical care of homeless Chow Chows awaiting adoption:

1999   $ 2,787.25
2000                    $ 3,247.56
2001   $ 5,400.25
2002   $ 4,534.50


$ 5,194.85


$ 6,390.45
2005   $ 3,257.75
2006      so far $ 4,254.43


Homeless Chow Chows by state:

     1998     1999    2000    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Alaska 3 1 2 2 0 0 0 0
Alabama 16 9 29 29 15 7 15 6
Arizona 19 28 23 30 20 24 22 19
Arkansas 3 9 6 14 11 11 10 11
California 113 130 182 199 120 192 181 102
Colorado 11 11 12 21 12 9 6 7
Connecticut 9 11 11 5 3 19 23 13
Delaware 4 6 6 1 5 7 7 3
Florida 62 94 100 126 124 139 165 115
Georgia 21 51 37 33 32 37 61 32
Hawaii 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Idaho 13 17 12 3 5 5 3 1
Illinois 137 167 230 142 117 75 70 45
Indiana 84 79 95 88 53 89 104 59
Iowa 5 13 11 4 6 14 9 4
Kansas 5 11 16 5 2 12 9 4
Kentucky 27 28 36 24 12 25 21 27
Louisiana 16 12 8 16 15 12 8 54
Maine 7 3 12 5 5 4 4 4
Maryland 31 24 26 14 25 57 29 26
Massachusetts 19 14 16 23 12 15 12 7
Michigan 83 91 119 153 96 84 51 49
Minnesota 20 22 30 32 25 19 19 9
Mississippi 4 9 8 6 4 9 9 2
Missouri 34 46 39 30 26 15 17 23
Montana 6 4 5 3 5 1 9 0
Nebraska 4 4 2 3 2 2 5 4
Nevada 8 9 6 10 11 11 4 4
New Hampshire 7 4 11 11 5 27 1 6
New Jersey 89 71 57 55 37 41 74 38
New Mexico 4 3 8 7 12 1 1 0
New York 125 77 124 112 93 88 81 63
North Carolina 49 60 75 98 65 51 49 41
North Dakota 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Ohio 45 101 104 108 93 77 85 57
Oklahoma 4 9 19 4 9 2 13 13
Oregon 4 4 6 9 11 18 44 9
Pennsylvania 63 63 62 53 73 86 56 55
Rhode Island 0 4 2 6 1 4 4 5
South Carolina 19 24 41 22 17 15 24 23
South Dakota 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
Tennessee 24 32 36 48 34 28 51 38
Texas 108 104 129 83 74 54 70 50
Utah 4 3 4 5 3 6 2 2
Vermont 4 6 4 3 5 4 1 4
Virginia & Wash DC 39 56 37 72 34 60 32 33
Washington 12 9 27 10 7 7 7 35
West Virginia 7 19 8 18 9 14 13 16
Wisconsin 60 104 86 109 63 68 54 33
Wyoming 7 0 3 1 2 0 3 0
Location not specified 40 71 70 74 93 72 59 42
Canada 14 21 19 18 28 22 20 3
Other foreign countries 0 3 2 1 0 2 2 4

Notes about these statistics:

  • Counts of homeless Chows by state were recorded beginning in 1998.
  • Our record of homeless Chow Chows by state is only somewhat representative of the actual numbers of Chows in need in their respective states.  To shelters in some states, primarily southern and rural ones, rescue is still a new and under-used resource.  In states where there is an active Chow rescue group such as Texas and Illinois (as of 2001), people in need of assistance often call the respective group rather than contacting CCCI Welfare.  

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