"I adopted Jock last summer and since then he's taken over our home and hearts. I have an older Chow who is very sick, and I wanted to find a companion for him since he is home alone during the day. Jock fit the bill perfectly. 

"He is an extremely happy fellow, and sometimes I wonder if his tail will fall off from wagging. He has added so much happiness to our family and I can't tell you how happy I am with him. He still has a problem with one of my cats, but everyone else gets along with him fine. 

"He loves my grandchildren and just about anyone else who comes up to him.  If he sees someone on our walks, he will run up to them wagging his tail and begging to be petted. There are very few people who he has failed to win over instantly. The minute they see the smile on his face and his wagging tail they are not afraid of him at all. He certainly is a great ambassador for the unjustified reputation some Chows have.

"Thank you for the great work you do and also the great work from [rescue volunteer] Diana Douglas. Without it, I wouldn't have my Jock. Diana was very responsive to my needs and knew that Jock would be a perfect match for my pet family.


Linda Young
Columbus, Ohio"


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