Jan Carter and "Nikko" Jan Carter of Racine, Wisconsin found pretty red female "Nikko" (left) through our adoption referral listings in August of 1996. Well-mannered, sociable and good with Jan's cat, Jan says that "Nikko" means "sunshine" in Japanese and that's exactly what Nikko was for her!

After Nikko passed away in 2004, Jan came back asking us to help her find a new Chow.  In January 2005, we were able to put her together with "Ginger", a female puppy in an Indiana shelter.   


"Ginger" in 2004

Ginger is grown up now and here's what Jan had to say about her in 2006:

"Ginger has attended basic obedience and therapy dog classes and goes to doggy daycare once a week.  She loves all the dogs and people!  Thanks for putting me in touch with the Elkhart, Indiana shelter!"

Jan Carter's "Ginger" in 2006

Jan Carter's "Ginger" and friend


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