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Rescue Resources:

How To Do Chow Rescue

Starting A Successful Rescue

A brief overview by Cheryl Minnier

Operating A Successful Chow Chow Rescue Group
A comprehensive handbook by Vicki DeGruy

Starting A Purebred Rescue
Another comprehensive handbook, this one by Pam Bishop.
Includes samples of intake forms, releases, adoption contracts, etc.

Contract Samples for Rescue Groups
Samples of various rescue contracts and forms including an intake form, owner release, adoption contract, etc. Written by the Newfoundland Club of America Rescue Network.

Adoption Fees
To charge or not, and how much

Avoiding Placement Errors 
Through Better Screening of Dogs and Adopters

Chow Chow Temperament Evaluation, Handling
and Placement Tips For Animal Shelters

How To Find A New Home For Your Chow Chow
A step by step how-to guide for owners. It can be modified to suit any breed and offers good adoption screening advice for rescuers as well as owners. Includes a sample adoption contract.

About The Chow Chow Club, Inc.'s Welfare Committee

Coping With Burnout Part 1

Coping With Burnout Part 2

Tips on Photographing Animals For Adoption


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